[3.6.1] - 2022-05-31
- PB-16116 Change user creation dialog tips following the introduction of account recovery
- PB-16119 As LU changing my security token I should be able to access documentation about phishing attacks
- PB-16166 Change nested folders icons size
- PB-16206 Change search bar padding
- PB-16207 Change midgar theme hover background colour
- PB-16208 Change midgar inset shadow highlight opacity
- PB-16209 Change inside fields buttons radius
- PB-16210 Change midgar hover/active grid lines backgrounds
- PB-16211 Change midgar active button background
- PB-16212 Change authentication loading spinner padding
- PB-16213 As LU I should see a beta pill next to the account recovery menu entry
- PB-16556 Change midgar sign-in form background
- PB-16559 Change user settings account recovery layout
- PB-16588 As GM editing group memberships, I want to see the tooltip icon aligned with the username
- PB-16589 Change the attention required icon color in the user settings menu
- PB-16592 Change quickaccess connecting state box background
- PB-16603 Change grids font weight
- PB-16605 Reduce letter spacings globally
- PB-16639 As LU enrolling to the account recovery program I should be requested my passphrase
- PB-14278 As LU I should see warning messages on form fields
- PB-16117 As AD I should not see the MFA status in the user sidebar if the user is not active
- PB-16146 As AD I should not be able to copy the public key of a inactive user
- PB-16558 As AN on unauthenticated page I should not see “about us” cta tooltip
- PB-16604 As a LU I should be able to sort the grid by Username and URI
- PB-16661 As a AN I can accept a server key rotation when the server key stored in the local storage cannot be parsed
- PB-16155 Apply linter on all styleguide src code
- PB-14951 Move common test material