github paritytech/polkadot v0.9.38-rc12
Polkadot v0.9.38 runtimes 9381

latest releases: v1.0.0-testing-next-ignore-rc1, v1.0.0-rc5, v1.0.0-cumulus-rc1...
23 months ago

This release contains the changes from v0.9.39-1 to v0.9.38-rc12.

Runtime release

This is a runtime-only release. No node binary is provided.
The only change in this patch release to 9380 is XCM: Fix invalid encoding of versioned types

Rust compiler versions

This release was built and tested against the following versions of rustc.
Other versions may work.

  • Rust Stable: rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10)
  • Rust Nightly: rustc 1.67.0-nightly (a00f8ba7f 2022-11-15)


The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.9.25 and rustc 1.66.1 (90743e729 2023-01-10).


🏋️ Runtime Size:           1.42 MB (1494194 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           kusama-9381 (parity-kusama-0.tx20.au2)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 79.16%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0xfb6daa37cfcc4291732e18b9ae7c27ce019e71093730a9fc087b8e6b33b8cd27
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x57bde19d741da5ac4a9e64a1362be94ac403c6f76d12be794c5057cb54cd9e8d
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:        0x089a491470b328bee4c7e2efac1f8ea66c3049778077a177f03c7ad63f2aec00
📦 IPFS:                   QmQy5Pt8t85t8WVzsgVj1GzuZvB9pzhU6r3jXujWi9foY8


🏋️ Runtime Size:           1.28 MB (1342838 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           polkadot-9381 (parity-polkadot-0.tx21.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 78.79%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x08525d82cbbda6eb82f064931b4de87ce080423e30658c69bcb7f948ccf61067
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xbecd62ae1ea02efa79e4bac3cbdc98c2b3f59128df46e0099ad9c78f946adb76
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:        0x7260f790733c5ef02dc844a8511c4c746a922b25e0eb7723544f1e0d85e7d0a6
📦 IPFS:                   QmZeDGcNBAh5X6hZmTYBySyejFzm4tN5iRT5ryhic1zary


🏋️ Runtime Size:           1.22 MB (1274395 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           rococo-9381 (parity-rococo-v2.0-0.tx19.au0)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 79.16%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0xd5abee1674ab24bd0be6978da5844ab96d0dccf5c04002ab438dea9778fd629a
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x2423b672576047690e996453d121d4aab158b20a40c34a94c86d619cdf912c24
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:        0xc45693ec7713f08a390abdb813649453f193b9f8071aa888337152952b9cee42
📦 IPFS:                   QmNw3VcEyfMwc7Va5Nz7LzEyyTDtTspsghNVFQkYFSaUR7


🏋️ Runtime Size:           1.21 MB (1272772 bytes)
🔥 Core Version:           westend-9381 (parity-westend-0.tx19.au2)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes: 79.13%
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0x1a3e78c1cc4f13b5039a7f53e67d8392c2d06203fad8db28f8af59536ee0cd48
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0xc83ceefc888e3f7e7be4c8fc1db8964c77574793902038f3e1d2607f2ec696e8
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:        0x74d3bacaa1835413b9a71c9f5f9a3dcf41d842cf8ef07aa087e118fced678d5d
📦 IPFS:                   QmcWZB3Ebtepm8og33Med3TDYjKD8Zo3wqN8ogmVBqGmAY

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