github paritytech/polkadot v0.8.24
Polkadot v0.8.24

latest releases: v1.0.0-testing-next-ignore-rc1, v1.0.0-rc5, v1.0.0-cumulus-rc1...
3 years ago

Upgrade priority: Medium (timely upgrade recommended) due to changes: Bump Nominator Reward Limits (#1668), Ensure that handshake is sent back even in case of back-pressure (paritytech/substrate#6979), Fix storage::read (paritytech/substrate#7084), Upgrade to libp2p-0.28. (paritytech/substrate#7077), Allow remotes to not open a legacy substream (paritytech/substrate#7075), Move Staking Weights to T::WeightInfo (paritytech/substrate#7007)

Note: Due to change #7077, the compatibility mode between peer IDs using identity hashing and sha256 has been removed. See libp2p-core changelog for details

With this release, we are proud to announce our Debian- and RPM-based package repositories. Instructions on enabling them for your distro can be found here in our README. As well as enabling node operators to securely stay up-to-date with our latest releases, we are also packaging a systemd service file which makes running Polkadot as a service much easier and takes advantage of systemd's sandboxing and namespacing features to improve security.

Note: If you are running polkadot as a systemd service with your own service file located in /etc/systemd/system/, this service file will take precedence over the packaged service file located at /lib/systemd/system/. If you wish to continue using your own service file but use our packaged binary, you may have to edit your service file to point to the packaged binary's location: /usr/bin/polkadot. A short guide on switching to our managed repositories can be found here

Native runtimes:

  • Polkadot: 24
  • Kusama: 2024
  • Westend: 43

This release was tested against the following versions of rustc. Other versions may work.

  • rustc 1.46.0 (04488afe3 2020-08-24)
  • rustc 1.48.0-nightly (6af1bdda5 2020-09-15)

WASM runtimes built with srtool using rustc 1.47.0-nightly (d7f945163 2020-07-19).

Proposal hashes:

  • polkadot_runtime-v24.compact.wasm - 0x6457aeaa4809aee001143b00291f91ac4997491e7de51fba626f8863928a9180
  • kusama_runtime-v2024.compact.wasm - 0x0cb784cdbf285d1d1bfef948967a4fea9038d3884ad78604b5ef6bc69c61e11a



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