github paritytech/polkadot-sdk ah-next-v0.1.0-beta
Asset Hub Next (Westend)

pre-release18 hours ago

Asset Hub Next

The migration of staking, governance, balances and other related pallets from the Relay Chain to Asset Hub is currently in development (part of the Plaza project and RFC-32) and dubbed AHM (Asset Hub Migration).

We are introducing a new temporary parachain on Westend which represents the future functionality of Asset Hub ready to test against for ourselves and other stakeholders who will be integrating with it, while we finalise the actual migration for Westend. By having two asset hubs on Westend in the lead up to the transition, we can have the old runtime and future runtime live at the same time, and crucially the future runtime is live much earlier that would otherwise be possible.

This is deployed and running as of today. The parachain is registered with para_id 1100 and is now ready to test. Note that the state is more or less empty, as the migration logic is still being finalised. When the migration happens we will migrate the relay pallets and state to Westend Asset Hub and Asset Hub Next will be retired shortly afterwards.

Public endpoints

RPC: wss://


The genesis chainspec includes some injected staking data, and so it is quite large, especially in its raw format. Instead the following instructions can be followed to get the necessary information all from the attached plaintext chain-spec.

This assumes that you have the polkadot-omni-node and chain-spec-builder in your path, both can be compiled from the sdk repo or downloaded from a previous release. You can download ah-next-chain-spec.json from this release, and from the same working directory run:

chain-spec-builder convert-to-raw ah-next-chain-spec.json && mv chain_spec.json ah-next-chain-spec-raw.json
polkadot-omni-node export-genesis-head --chain ah-next-chain-spec-raw.json > ah-next-genesis-head
polkadot-omni-node export-genesis-wasm --chain ah-next-chain-spec-raw.json > ah-next-genesis.wasm

Which generates the genesis wasm and head data, as well as the raw chain spec (for running with zombienet or similar)

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