github paritytech/cumulus parachains-v9420
Parachain Runtimes v9420 (for Polkadot 0.9.42)

latest releases: v1.0.0-rc5, v1.0.0, v1.0.0-rc4...
21 months ago

This release contains the changes from parachains-v9400 to parachains-v9420.

Runtime Migrations

Polkadot Collectives

As introduced in Cumulus 2236, this release includes a migration that imports the Polkadot Fellowship with its current membership from the Kusama network.


The information about the runtimes included in this release can be found below.
The runtimes have been built using srtool v0.10.0 and rustc 1.69.0 (84c898d65 2023-04-16).


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		625.72 KB (640738 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		bridge-hub-kusama-9420 (bridge-hub-kusama-0.tx3.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.19%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0x0d6b0154b039a3c7dfead7371f3f1d406f3a7a52307e99588a5d1743cfc52996
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			QmPNBCwefCwkJdgacmRbnRKNEGUj79BxCQDFQSpUofvDX8


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		626.11 KB (641136 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		bridge-hub-polkadot-9420 (bridge-hub-polkadot-0.tx2.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.17%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0x045b89d4a15d3d12b463db5ec2c2727832a84fed9aefd1121013116646e69696
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			QmdKccH9AVkKVir5HAdZ4VxKgkZ3sP7JMUL1dj1xmDY3cg


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		624.74 KB (639735 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		bridge-hub-rococo-9420 (bridge-hub-rococo-0.tx3.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.18%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0x3f28e0c3b344ad77508e76b1ea320a0a80fd28a1728e62f861d4320c1577963e
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			QmaZhjfaKokAV3PxMau9ERLgAuu9wMocQFQ8z5CzaccVSZ


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		1.02 MB (1068022 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		contracts-rococo-9420 (contracts-rococo-0.tx6.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.1%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0xf6e5e9e712d8d6358f7cf0a909f99ed30ceb59c3ec04005508e0aab9603c4ec2
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			Qmct6eKX5JAC8jLaTgrLCwbeFr1CCGEBALoRHjX5Svaanm


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		768.29 KB (786727 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		collectives-9420 (collectives-0.tx5.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.48%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0x2dbd44d6cb9847e46210a665f28147957290a6d3cf758aa31af9d3ba54c01e67
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			QmcqYbZymmYELxoTwYaVqd33fXPEQDGjfvXtpGdmTfUcQz


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		634.29 KB (649514 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		test-parachain-9420 (test-parachain-0.tx6.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.45%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0x5a7fb504bb122066c0ab874d7acaea733a069f87815a6b8cec33d7e3e72ba117
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			QmYnXGkGat9E43fbbyNQaiScU4SDW7r4tLiP46syRgiPRz


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		371.31 KB (380220 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		shell-2 (shell-0.tx1.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 77.28%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0x6ba312175329a67fa805c32ec9617988a6f78703665e719c83d07c8eaa3c97ac
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			Qmbi3jX23DsH23JgfYiXBKGVtwkv2emgga7iNDbog74Di5


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		880.97 KB (902116 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		statemine-9420 (statemine-0.tx13.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.04%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0x5b2fbb300de4de0251a66c823b8c2e30715b4f9ba6746cac82f420820ef687cd
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			QmaWaipy6kDaY63LikfogSpFbAnxJ88i41mtCtd99H2gLe


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		759.75 KB (777985 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		statemint-9420 (statemint-0.tx13.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 79.28%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0xd4d84b7e3fe023bf38228858f96a59ea89b60de0b86d637c2a933af922f81222
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			QmZAzMJLcaa2nio1DSqdjRqXaTNds7JWu2ePRvXAyZ47J4


πŸ‹οΈ Runtime Size:		882.70 KB (903887 bytes)
πŸ”₯ Core Version:		westmint-9420 (westmint-0.tx13.au1)
πŸ—œ Compressed:			Yes: 80.04%
🎁 Metadata version:		V14
πŸ—³οΈ Blake2-256 hash:		0xffd288c11eb3ff428bb15f031afb389efd640b7b6c6e90018a8a8c9711ac011c
πŸ“¦ IPFS:			QmQT1Bb2S6xeWpfh6URXRTEUoQQftfDJovKFBfKfW9Ad44



  • [C] Cumulus
  • [P] Polkadot
  • [S] Substrate


  • [S] #13287 Low - Metadata v15: expose api to fetch metadata for version
  • [P] #6897 Low - Update weights
  • [C] #2326 Low - Parachains should charge for proof size weight
  • [S] #12951 Low - Deprecate currency; introduce holds and freezing into `fun…
  • [C] #2186 Low - Introduce fellowship into collectives
  • [P] #6701 Low - Introduce opengov into polkadot
  • [P] #5974 Low - Kusama: enable dispute slashes
  • [S] #13558 Low - Getcallindex trait
  • [P] #6928 Low - Vstam1/xcm admin origin
  • [C] #2133 Low - Add support for foreign assets
  • [P] #6937 Low - Inherent disputes: remove per block initializer and disputes…
  • [S] #12287 Low - Emit event when changing total locked value in pallet-balanc…
  • [S] #13704 Low - Frame: fix the referenda confirming alarm
  • [S] #13715 ‼️ HIGH - Reward pool migration fix
  • [S] #13648 Low - Contracts: add host function tracing
  • [P] #6846 Low - Proxy for nomination pools
  • [P] #6980 Low - Tighter bound on asset types teleported so that weight is ch…
  • [S] #13702 Low - [contracts] overflowing bounded deletionqueue
  • [S] #13610 Low - Refactor: inconsistent balanceconversion fn
  • [S] #13798 Low - Uniform pallet warnings
  • [S] #13722 Low - Implement #[pallet::composite_enum]
  • [S] #13699 Low - Deprecate v1 weights
  • [S] #13835 Low - removepallet migration utility struct
  • [S] #13302 Low - Metadata v15: add runtime api metadata
  • [S] #13851 Low - Fix fungible and fungibles set_balance return value
  • [S] #13724 Low - Contracts: add sr25519_verify
  • [P] #6934 Low - Enable changing executor params through governance
  • [P] #6843 Low - Xcm: properly set the pricing for the dmp router
  • [S] #13779 Low - Add freeze/thaw events and tests
  • [P] #6662 Low - Xcm: remote account converter
  • [S] #13827 Low - Pallet-democracy: do not request the proposal when schedulin…
  • [S] #13936 ❗️ Medium - Removes reportsbykindindex
  • [P] #7114 ❗️ Medium - Offences migration v1: removes reportsbykindindex
  • [S] #13988 ❗️ Medium - Pallet collective: fix genesis member sort order
  • [P] #7098 Low - Xcm: implement a blocking barrier
  • [S] #13932 Low - Frame: inherited call weight syntax
  • [P] #7150 Low - Update weights


  • [P] #6885 Low - Release parachain host api v4
  • [S] #13630 ❗️ Medium - Bump trie-db to 0.27.1 (fix storage iteration bug + change…
  • [S] #12951 Low - Deprecate currency; introduce holds and freezing into `fun…


  • [P] #6884 Low - Remove duplicated arm and fix version index [βœ‰οΈ XCM]
  • [C] #2326 Low - Parachains should charge for proof size weight

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