github parcel-bundler/lightningcss v1.7.0

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2 years ago

This release adds a number of new features, including improved vendor prefixing support, and support for new CSS syntax features.

  • Vendor prefixing and improved minification for mask properties. This includes collapsing multiple separate properties into shorthands, as well as support for new color fallbacks. Example.
  • Vendor prefixing for clip-path
  • Vendor prefixing for filter
  • Downlevel :not selector list syntax for older browsers
  • Parsing support for :has, now supported natively in Safari.
  • Support for @font-palette-values rule and font-palette property. These let you override the color palette of color fonts, such as emoji.
  • Support for many more length units, including in calc() simplification. These include new viewport units, and new font relative units from css-values-4.
  • Analyze url() dependencies in custom properties. Only absolute URLs are supported. Relative paths will throw an error. This is because in the browser, urls in custom properties resolve from the location where the var() is used, not where the custom property is defined. Therefore, without actually applying all var() usages, it's not possible to know all of the potential urls that will be resolved. Enforcing that these urls must be absolute resolves this ambiguity.
  • Update compatibility data from caniuse and mdn

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