github palantir/blueprint @blueprintjs/datetime@1.25.4

latest releases: @blueprintjs/webpack-build-scripts@6.2.2, @blueprintjs/table@5.1.5, @blueprintjs/table-dev-app@5.1.5...
6 years ago
  • DateRangeInput: Fixed various month ordering bugs (#2133) thanks @kaplona!
    • When minDate === startDate === endDate month, both left and right calendar shows that month, but right calendar month selector shows the next month.
    • When calculating initialMonth, endDate isn't taken in account. This could result in left calendar month being after right calendar month, if only endDate defined.
  • DateInput: Popover now closes on more interactions, including tabbing away from the last element in the Popover contents and hitting ESC on the input (#2093) thanks @mud!

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