github pajbot/pajbot v1.39

latest releases: v1.68, v1.67, v1.66...
4 years ago
  • Major: pleblist_song table mistakenly wiped any non-user-connected rows in v1.38, this version will make the pleblist_song table able to contain non-user-connected rows again.

    Here is how you can recover the data, should you be affected:

    # Replace "streamer_name" with the name of the streamer in all commands below
    # Create new database to restore into
    sudo -u postgres createdb pajbot_restore --owner=pajbot
    # Restore the backup into the "pajbot_restore" database
    sudo -u pajbot psql pajbot_restore < pre-user-migration-backup.sql
    # Get the data that was in the pleblist_song and user table in the pre-migration database state
    sudo -u pajbot psql pajbot_restore -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM pajbot1_streamer_name.pleblist_song) TO STDOUT" > pleblist_song_old.txt
    sudo -u pajbot psql pajbot_restore -c "COPY (SELECT * FROM pajbot1_streamer_name.user) TO STDOUT" > user_old.txt
    # Drop the temporary database again
    sudo -u postgres dropdb pajbot_restore
    # Then run the final restore script: This loads data from "pleblist_song_old.txt" and "user_old.txt" and restores
    # into the pleblist_song table inside the schema you specify (pajbot1_streamer_name)
    # To customize the file paths, adjust the script itself
    sudo -u pajbot psql pajbot -c "SET search_path=pajbot1_streamer_name" -f ./scripts/restore-pleblist-songs.sql
  • Minor: Bot maintainer/host information can now be added to the config file and displayed on the /contact-page. See bottom of updated example config for an example.

  • Minor: The bot now uses the BTTV v3 API, which should fix some cases where the bot considered more emotes to be enabled than were actually supposed to be enabled.

  • Minor: Emote command (e.g. !bttvemotes) cooldowns and level can now be configured in the modules settings.

  • Minor: Duels now automatically expire and get cancelled if they are not accepted within 5 minutes (Time amount can be configured as a module setting).

  • Minor: The subscriber badge is now automatically downloaded on web application startup. Which version of the subscriber badge should be downloaded can be configured in config.ini under the web section using the subscriber_badge_version key. Setting the subscriber_badge_version key to -1 disables the sub badge downloading, in case you want to use a custom subscriber badge (or an old one that you don't want to overwrite)

  • Minor: Dates/Times on the website are now all shown in the user's time zone and formatted based on the viewer's locale. Note for the bot operator: You can remove the timezone= setting under [main], since it's no longer needed.

  • Minor: The regular refresh of the points_rank and num_lines_rank is now randomly jittered by ±30s to reduce CPU spikes when multiple instances are restarted at the same time

  • Minor: Added setting to configure bypass level to "Link Checker" module.

  • Minor: The points gain rate information at the top of the points page is now dynamically updated based upon your settings for the "Chatters Refresh" module.

  • Minor: "dev" config flag is now respected in web, properly omitting any git information in its footer

  • Minor: Fix table sorting in the modules page.

  • Minor: The end message sent when a negative raffle ends now says "lost X points" correctly, instead of "won -X points".

  • Minor: Removed last remnants of already defunct Pleblist StreamTip integration

  • Minor: Website will now show moderator badge next to usernames if the user is a Twitch moderator.

  • Minor: In preparation for a slimmer docker image, the bot will now also try to read git information from PB1_BRANCH, PB1_COMMIT and PB1_COMMIT_COUNT environment variables.

  • Bugfix: Added explicit VACUUM of user_rank relation after refresh to ensure the database server does not run out of disk space, even if you have a lot of bots (with a lot of users in the database) running on the same server.

  • Bugfix: Fixed an exception and the message not being handled whenever a message contained an emote modified via the "Channel Points" Twitch feature.

  • Bugfix: Fixed two more cases of long-running transactions not being closed, which in turn could cause the database server to run out of disk space (#648)

  • Bugfix: Fixed an exception whenever the result of a command was being checked by the massping module.

  • Bugfix: Fixed a lot of log-spam and the subscribers refresh not working when the bot was running in its own channel. Re-authorize via /bot_login after this update if you were affected by this issue before.

  • Bugfix: Fixed subscriber update failing if the broadcaster had no subscription program.

  • Bugfix: Fixed points_rank and num_lines_rank never refreshing automatically.

  • Bugfix: Mass ping protection will no longer count inactive users (never seen before or seen longer than 2 weeks ago).

  • Bugfix: Fixed single raffle silently failing when finishing. #610

  • Bugfix: Fixed !dubtrack previous/!lastsong printing the current song instead of the previous song

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