github pajbot/pajbot v1.38

latest releases: v1.68, v1.67, v1.66...
4 years ago

Remember to bring your dependencies up to date with pip install -r requirements.txt when updating to this version!

  • Major: User data is not stored in redis anymore. Relevant data will automatically be migrated.

  • Major: Added automatic support for Twitch name changes. (!namechange command has been removed.)

    This includes a potentially quite large (might take long on large databases) automatic migration that will:

    • Query the Twitch API for the User ID of all your current existing users, and
    • Delete data about the users that don't exist on Twitch anymore.

    For this reason, a database backup for your old data is recommended before this upgrade:

    sudo -u pajbot pg_dump --file=sql_dump_streamer.sql --schema=pajbot1_streamer pajbot
    sudo -u pajbot pg_dump --file=sql_dump_all.sql pajbot
    sudo -u pajbot ./scripts/ streamer > redis_dump_streamer.bin

    When migrating a bot you probably want to either disable the chatters microservice entirely, or remove that bot's entry from the chatters config.json.

  • Feature: Added module to fetch current chatters and update the database back to the bot (was previously a microservice). Includes a new !reload chatters command.

  • Feature: Added !reload subscribers command to force refresh of subscriber status in the DB.

  • Minor: You can now reference users by their display name, even if the display name contains asian characters (e.g. !checkmod 테스트계정420 finds the user correctly).

  • Minor: Messages shared with the streamer as part of resub messages are now processed like normal chat messages (They were not processed at all before).

  • Minor: Added ?user_input=true optional parameter to /api/v1/users/:login endpoint to query for usernames more fuzzily.

  • Minor: Added /api/v1/users/id/:id to look up users by ID.

  • Minor: Removed system to synchronize points updates to StreamElements.

  • Minor: Small improvement made to the efficiency of caching data from the Twitch API.

  • Minor: Added the points_rank user property back.

  • Minor: Added a dump/restore utility for redis data to the scripts directory.

  • Minor: Removed some unfinished test code related to notifications.

  • Minor: Placed reasonable minimum/maximum limits on the Seconds until betting closes setting for the HSBet module.

  • Minor: Added setting to adjust points tax for the duel module

  • Minor: Link checker module now prints far less debug info about itself.

  • Minor: Added possibility to modify command token cost using --tokens-cost in !add command/!edit command commands.

  • Minor: Added two pluralization cases for when only a single user wins a multi-raffle.

  • Minor: Added logging output for notices received from the SQL server.

  • Minor: The bot automatically now additionally refreshes who is a moderator and who isn't (This data was previously only updated when the user typed a message). A !reload moderators command has been added to trigger this update manually.

  • Minor: Added a lot more data to the output message of the !debug user command.

  • Bugfix: Errors in the main thread no longer exit the bot (#443)

  • Bugfix: Several places in the bot and Web UI now correctly show the user display name instead of login name

  • Bugfix: Removed unfinished "email tag" API.

  • Bugfix: If the bot is restarted during an active HSBet game, bets will no longer be lost.

  • Bugfix: Web process no longer creates a super long-running database transaction that was never closed.

  • Bugfix: Will no longer run all redis migrations on every bot startup.

  • Bugfix: Fixed a crash when an app access token expired and needed to be refreshed.

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