github p0deje/Maccy 0.9.0

latest releases: 0.31.0, 0.30.0, 0.29.4...
4 years ago

⚠️ This release changes the storage system of history. Once upgraded, you won't be able to use older versions of Maccy without removing all your history.

  • Added support for pinned history items. Any history item can be pinned and unpinned using OPTION (⌥) + P. (#26)
  • Added support for storing, viewing, copying and pasting images. (#44)
  • Added support for transient copies which is used by various apps to copy sensitive data like passwords. Maccy now ignores such copies and not store them in history. (#65)
  • Added support for different sorting algorithms of history which are controlled by sortBy option:
    • lastCopiedAt sorts items by the time the item was last copied (default behavior)
    • firstCopiedAt sorts items by the time the item was first copied (#77)
    • numberOfCopies sorts items by the total number of times the item was copied (#46)
  • Added an option to completely hide the footer items (Clear, About, Quit, etc.) by setting hideFooter to true. (#73)
  • Added an option to popup window in the center of the screen by setting popupPosition to center. (#76)
  • Added support for auto-update. (#54)
  • Fixed a bug when multiple copies issued by the same app like BBEdit would not be handled correctly. (#78)
  • Fixed a bug when clearing the history during the search would crash.

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