github ozmartian/vidcutter 4.0.0

latest releases:,, 6.0.5...
6 years ago

NOTE: New AppImage posted w/ MediaInfo fix.

v4.0.0 builds for Windows and macOS now available below. Windows installations + upgrades via Chocolatey should be working in 24-48 hrs pending package approval.

All Arch Linux and LaunchPad PPAs have been updated since 24 hours now so should have it already if you've applied updates.

The usual repositories and places for Fedora (copr + UnitedRPMs) and openSUSE (OBS; just search for DEV builds via the main software search).

The AppImage for this new release has finally been produced and available for download below. Some notes about that are available further down the page if interested.

I have no time to produce a ChangeLog unfortunately, will have that done over the next day or two along with all else.

Thanks, will start trekking through the issues lists once this it out of the way.

4.0.0 changelog

  • on its way...

Windows + macOS Users

Installers for Windows and macOS (64bit only) are available below.

Linux Users

Only install via PyPi if you are using something other than ArchLinux or an Ubuntu/Debian derivative (Ubuntu, Mint, Elementary, Debian Jessie etc...)

ArchLinux users can install directly from AUR, package is available in both stable and git-latest versions:

AUR: vidcutter (stable), vidcutter-git (unstable)

Ubuntu/Mint/Debian/Elementary users can install via Launchpad PPA.


If you are new to PPAs then just issue the following commands in a terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ozmartian/apps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vidcutter

You should now be able to search for vidcutter in your chosen package management software (synaptic, Ubuntu software centre, apt-get etc.)

All other Linux users including Debian users on Debian 8 Jessie or below can install from PyPi can use the AppImage bundled binary package available for download. I've produced a 64bit version but will make 32bit available if requested. For those new to the AppImage concept, just download the file and then make it executable once downloaded. You can then run it, and optionally install it as part of your desktop app menus etc.

chmod +x VidCutter-4.0.0-x64.AppImage

The AppImage for 4.0.0 is much larger than previous versions due Python 3.5 and Qt 5.9 being included in the application bundle. I may be able to trim it down a little but at the very least you will be using VidCutter with a much newer backend driving it compared to before where it was running on Python 3.4 and Qt 5.21.

This AppImage has been tested and working for me as far back as Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty). Hopefully working for all you using it.

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