- [Preference] Day, Night, Auto theme.
- [Preference] Theme color palette.
- [Preference] Which screen to launch on. (Library, Downloads, or Friends).
- Chatting with friends, with message history, emoticon and sticker support.
- Friend profiles, with basic friend management.
- Option to view external web links in app or externally with a browser of choice.
- Game app screen shows basic information.
- More library filer options, which are retained.
- Profile dialog works better for long names now.
- Crash when null messages are logged.
- Crashes when a failed sign in occurred, such as invalid credentials.
- Correct display of install/run button and download progress for apps. Thanks @Producdevity
- Add smooth transitions for download state. Thanks @Producdevity
- Friends list groups able to be collapsible now.
- Library scroll position should remember when navigating away.
- Library list optimization.
- Soft resize issue with on-screen keyboard is opened/closed.
- Rotating the screen closes some dialogs.
- Dialog list scrolling on small screen height. Thanks @Producdevity
- Themed app icon being oversized.
- Game app screen image loading shifting.
- Connection to steam now uses the Web Socket protocol.
- Login errors are shown in a snackbar.
- Various theme unification for light and dark mode.
- Various Compose tweaks.
- Access tokens now encrypted.
- Removed automatic app backup.
- Actively filter out Spacewar (game).
- Library filter options now is a bottom sheet modal.
- Add Github Actions for snapshot and validation builds.
- Update readme.
- Dependency updates. Now using JavaSteam 1.6.0.
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0