github oxc-project/oxc oxlint_v0.15.1
oxlint v0.15.1

latest release: oxlint_v0.15.2
one day ago

[0.15.1] - 2024-12-13


  • 38b1c2e editor: Create a command to apply all auto-fixes for the current active text editor (#7672) (Nicholas Rayburn)

Bug Fixes

  • 2b187e5 linter: Fix configuration casing for typescript/no_this_alias (#7836) (Boshen)
  • 06e6d38 linter: Fix unicorn/prefer-query-selector to use the correct replacement for getElementsByClassName (#7796) (Nicholas Rayburn)
  • 7a83230 semantic: Missing reference when export default references a type alias binding (#7813) (Dunqing)

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