github oxc-project/oxc oxlint_v0.15.0
oxlint v0.15.0

latest releases: oxlint_v0.15.2, oxlint_v0.15.1, crates_v0.41.0...
5 days ago

[0.15.0] - 2024-12-10

  • 39b9c5d linter: [BREAKING] Remove unmaintained security plugin (#7773) (Boshen)


  • 065f7dc linter: Support expectTypeOf, assert and assertType in vitest/expect-expect (#7742) (Yuichiro Yamashita)
  • 3d5f0a1 linter/no_restricted_imports: Add the no_restricted_imports rules (#7629) (Guillaume Piedigrossi)

Bug Fixes

  • ad27b20 linter: Only resolve esm files for import plugin (#7720) (Boshen)
  • 5e6053f linter: False positive in eslint/yoda (#7719) (dalaoshu)



  • 62f0a22 linter: Port react-jsx-uses-vars rules to no_unused_vars (#7731) (Tyler Earls)
  • 02f9903 linter: Add regression tests for import/namespace (#7723) (dalaoshu)

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