github owncloud/web v1.0.1

latest releases: web-pkg-v0.0.5-alpha.8, web-pkg-v0.0.5-alpha.7, web-pkg-v0.0.5-alpha.6...
3 years ago

Changelog for ownCloud Web 1.0.1 (2021-01-08)


  • Bugfix - Fully clickable sidebar toggle button: #4130
  • Bugfix - Allow server URL without trailing slash: #4536
  • Change - Rename confirmation of copy action: #4590
  • Change - Allow to disable previews in file lists: #4513
  • Change - Add controllers for oc10 app deployment: #4537


  • Bugfix - Fully clickable sidebar toggle button: #4130

    The button for hiding/showing the left sidebar (burger menu) was not fully clickable. We fixed
    this by removing a negative margin that pulled the rest of the topbar over the button.


  • Bugfix - Allow server URL without trailing slash: #4536

    The server URL in the config was leading to issues resolving resources when it had no trailing
    slash. We are now checking if the trailing slash is missing and add it upon applying the config if


  • Change - Rename confirmation of copy action: #4590

    We've changed the label of the confirmation button in copy view. Instead of "Copy here", we used
    "Paste here".


  • Change - Allow to disable previews in file lists: #4513

    We introduced a new config option to disable previews. To do so, set "disablePreviews": true
    to the config.json file.


  • Change - Add controllers for oc10 app deployment: #4537

    We added a config endpoint for when ownCloud Web is deployed as ownCloud 10 app. The config.json
    file must not be placed in the apps folder because it would cause the app integrity check to fail.
    In addition to the config endpoint we added a wildcard endpoint for serving static assets (js
    bundles, css, etc) of the ownCloud Web javascript application by their paths.


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