github owncloud/web v0.17.0

latest releases: web-pkg-v0.0.5-alpha.8, web-pkg-v0.0.5-alpha.7, web-pkg-v0.0.5-alpha.6...
3 years ago

Changelog for ownCloud Phoenix 0.17.0 (2020-09-25)


  • Bugfix - Added missing tooltips: #4081
  • Bugfix - Make file previews properly fit: #232
  • Bugfix - Adjust behavior of public link password field: #4077
  • Change - Adjustments to roles selection dropdown: #4080
  • Change - Rename "trash bin" to "deleted files": #4071
  • Change - Add default action to click on file name: #234
  • Change - Improve external links in app switcher: #4092
  • Change - More descriptive loading state: #4099
  • Change - Moved bottom actions menu into actions dropdown: #234
  • Change - Renamed collaborators to people: #4070
  • Change - Update ODS to 1.11.0: #4086
  • Change - Shortened button label for creating public links: #4072
  • Enhancement - Remember public link password on page refresh: #4083


  • Bugfix - Added missing tooltips: #4081

    We've added tooltips for the following:

    • top bar: notifications button and application switcher - file list: share indicators and
      quick actions - sharing in sidebar: action icons like edit, delete, copy


  • Bugfix - Make file previews properly fit: #232

    We've fixed the file preview to prevent overflowing vertically and also added CSS property to
    make sure the ratio is preserved


  • Bugfix - Adjust behavior of public link password field: #4077

    The UX of the public link password field has been improved. The field is focussed automatically
    and the enter key submits the password. Also, in case of wrong password, an error message is now


  • Change - Adjustments to roles selection dropdown: #4080

    The role description text from the roles selection button has been removed, but is still
    visible when opening the dropdown. The dropdown now also has a chevron icon to make it clearer
    that it is a dropdown.


  • Change - Rename "trash bin" to "deleted files": #4071

    We've renamed the "trash bin" to the more appropriate wording "deleted files".


  • Change - Add default action to click on file name: #234

    When clicking on the file name in the files list, a default action is triggered which opens the
    first available file editor or viewer. If no file editor or viewer is available, the default
    action falls back to download.


  • Change - Improve external links in app switcher: #4092

    We have added an option to set the link target in external application links (defaults to
    _blank). The app switcher now shows all native extensions first and items based on
    application links last.


  • Change - More descriptive loading state: #4099

    When browsing the different variations of the files list we removed the loader component at the
    top in favor of a spinner in the center of the viewport. The spinner has one line of text which
    describes what kind of data is being loaded.


  • Change - Moved bottom actions menu into actions dropdown: #234

    We've removed the bottom file actions menu and moved all actions into the actions dropdown in
    the files list.


  • Change - Renamed collaborators to people: #4070

    All visible occurrences of "collaborator" or "collaborators" have been replaced by "person"
    or "people" respectively. Additionally, the action "Add Collaborator" was changed to


  • Change - Update ODS to 1.11.0: #4086

    We updated owncloud design system (ODS) to 1.11.0. This brings some features and required some
    changes: - Buttons: - require to be placed in a grid or with uk-flex for side by side positioning,

    • don't have an icon property anymore, - have a slot so that content of the button can be just
      anything - placement of the content in the button can be modified with new props
      justify-content and gap - new icons, which are used in the sidebar and for quick actions -
      sidebar has a property for hiding the navigation. It doesn't have internal logic anymore for
      hiding the navigation automatically.


  • Change - Shortened button label for creating public links: #4072

    The label of the button for creating public links in the links panel has been shortened to
    "Public link" instead of "Add public link" since the plus sign already implies adding. An Aria
    label has been added for clarification when using screen readers.


  • Enhancement - Remember public link password on page refresh: #4083

    When refreshing the page in the file list of a public link share, the user doesn't need to enter
    the password again. This only applies for the current page and the password is forgotten by the
    browser again upon closing or switching to another site.


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