github owasp-amass/amass v3.13.0

latest releases: v4.2.0, v4.1.0, v4.0.4...
3 years ago


6d8cfd2 Updates to documentation for the info sharing feature
69e5245 Updated trusted DNS resolver data
231c303 Updated and extended the WhoisXML API implementation
e977260 Store enumeration context as soon as possible on Start
80e092f Sorted SRV records alphabetically
3eef74c Initial enumeration findings share process implementation
bdef564 Increased the queue fill rate
4464b3b Improved some datasource scripts and removed PasteBin from datasources
4e17f6c Improved Baidu datasource script
fdba3a8 Added the share flag to the enum subcommand options
3b1fcb1 Added more missing SRV records
7b2176a Added a feature for detecting and removing false positives

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