github ovh/the-bastion v3.13.01

latest releases: v3.16.01, v3.16.00, v3.15.00...
10 months ago

⚡ Security

  • No security fixes since previous release
  • Oldest release with no known security issues: v3.00.00 (first public version)

💡 Highlights

This minor release has only a few changes, mainly on the documentation and setup sides. Two new important documentation sections have appeared:

  • The JSON API section, detailing how to integrate The Bastion in your automated workflows, and
  • The Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) section, detailing several possible setups to harden your users accesses

The features documented above have been available since v3.00.00, so updating to this version is not required to use them.

A more complete list of changes can be found below, for an exhaustive (and boring) list, please refer to the commit log.

📌 Changes

  • doc: add JSON API and MFA documentations
  • fix: clush: restore default handlers for SIGHUP/PIPE
  • enh: create additional backup signing config with --generate

Thanks to @toutoen and @docwalter for their contribution to this release.

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