github outscale/terraform-provider-outscale v0.7.0

latest releases: v1.0.1, v1.0.0, v1.0.0-rc.2...
2 years ago


  • Do not allow setting iops on "gp2" and "standard" volume types or bsu in block_device_mappings (GH-229)
  • Fix "outscale_vm" resource creation fails when only "placement_tenancy" parameter is set (GH-144)


  • Implement "NestedVirtualization" parameter in Vm resource and datasource(s) (GH-155)
  • Implement "SecuredCookies" parameter in LoadBalancer resource and datasource(s) (GH-156)
  • Implement outscale_account datasource(s) (GH-149)
  • Implement "CookieExpirationPeriod" parameter in outscale_load_balancer_policy (GH-126)
  • Implement "LogServers" parameter in DhcpOptions resources and datasources (GH-139)
  • Implement "CreationDate" parameter in volume resources and datasources (GH-142)
  • Implement "VgwTelemetries" block in outscale_vpn_connection datasource (GH-123)
  • Implement "CreationDate" parameter in Snapshots resources and datasource(s) (GH-143)
  • Implement "CreationDate" parameter in Vm resources and datasource(s) (GH-125)
  • Implement "LocationCode" parameter in Subregions datasource (GH-140)


  • Add more parameters for throttling checking (GH-207)

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