github oula-network/aleo v1.14

14 hours ago

🚀 Oula Aleo Mining Software v1.14 Mainnet Release

We are excited to introduce the Oula Aleo Mining Software v1.14 🎉, bringing further advancements to your mining experience. With this update, you’ll enjoy a 3% boost in mining performance, along with continued system optimizations to maximize your efficiency.

Whether you're an experienced miner or just starting, v1.14 ensures higher rewards and smoother operations, empowering you to stay competitive in the fast-paced world of blockchain mining.

Upgrade today and harness the enhanced power of the Aleo mainnet with Oula v1.14! 💪💻

🛠️ Key Highlights:

  1. 🚀 Enhanced Mining Performance ✨⏩: Experience a 3% improvement in mining performance, allowing you to discover blocks faster and earn more with the same resources.

At Oula, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of mining technology. This release reflects the ongoing feedback from our dedicated mining community, and we look forward to continuing our journey towards a decentralized future together. 🌍

🔗 Visit our website for more details and resources.
💬 Have questions? Join our active Telegram Community to connect with fellow miners and receive direct support.

👉 HiveOS users, don't forget to update your flight sheet installation link to unlock the full potential of v1.14!
Download v1.14 here

📖 Need setup assistance? Check out our updated HiveOS Mining Guide for step-by-step instructions.

🚀 Oula Aleo 挖礦軟體 v1.14 主網發布

我們很高興宣布 Oula Aleo 挖礦軟體 v1.14 🎉 正式發布!此次更新進一步提升了挖礦性能,帶來了 3% 的性能增強,以及持續的系統優化,讓您在挖礦過程中更加高效。

無論您是資深礦工還是剛入門的新手,v1.14 都能幫助您 提高收益、流暢運行,助您在區塊鏈挖礦中保持競爭優勢。

立即升級至 v1.14,全面釋放 Aleo 主網的潛能!💪💻

🛠️ 主要更新:

  1. 🚀 挖礦性能提升 ✨⏩:享受 3% 的性能增強,讓您以相同資源更快速地發現區塊,提升挖礦收益。

Oula 一直致力於推動挖礦技術的進步,此次版本正是基於我們礦工社群寶貴的反饋。我們期待與您攜手邁向去中心化計算的未來!🌍

🔗 造訪我們的網站 了解更多詳情及資源。
💬 有問題嗎?歡迎加入我們活躍的 Telegram 社群,與其他礦工互動並獲取直接支持。

👉 HiveOS 用戶,請務必更新您的飛行表安裝鏈接,解鎖 v1.14 的全部功能!
點擊下載 v1.14

📖 如需幫助設置,請查看我們更新的 HiveOS 挖礦指南,提供簡明的操作說明。

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