github osxfuse/osxfuse macfuse-4.0.2
macFUSE 4.0.2

latest releases: macfuse-4.8.0, macfuse-4.7.2, macfuse-4.7.1...
pre-release3 years ago
  • Fix kernel extension ambiguity on macOS 11. The kernel extension version number now contains the version of the kernel that the particular extension was built for.

  • Remove KextManagerLoadKextWithURL() workaround, that was introduced in version 3.11.1. The issue has been resolved in macOS 11.0.1.

  • The license has changed. Starting with the 4.0.0 release, redistributions bundled with commercial software are not allowed without specific prior written permission. This includes the automated download or installation in the context of commercial software. Please contact Benjamin Fleischer.

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