github osohq/oso v0.27.0
oso 0.27.0

latest releases: sqlalchemy-v0.27.2, v0.27.3, v0.27.2...
15 months ago

oso 0.27.0


Other bugs & improvements

  • Removed the development dependency on the AGPL-licensed permute crate,
    replacing it with the MIT-or-Apache-2.0-licensed permutohedron crate.
    Thanks to FinnRG!


New features

Linux ARM64 platform support

Support for using Oso's Go library in Linux ARM64 environments has landed
thanks to omusil24!


Breaking changes

  • Dropped support for end-of-life Python 3.6 and upgraded the Python code to
    3.7+ standards. Thanks to kkirsche for the

Other bugs & improvements

  • Loosened the version constraint on the packaging dependency. Thanks again
    to kkirsche!


Breaking changes

  • Dropped support for end-of-life Java 11.

django-oso 0.27.0

Other bugs & improvements

  • Updated to use automatic AppConfig discovery for Django 3.2+, silencing a
    warning. Thanks to devmonkey22 for the
  • Bumped the minimum required version of the oso dependency.

flask-oso 0.27.0

Bumped the minimum required version of the oso dependency.

sqlalchemy-oso 0.27.0

Other bugs & improvements

  • Fixed crash when trying to look up a non-existent "entity" property. Thanks
    to snstanton for the contribution!
  • Bumped the minimum required version of the oso dependency.

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