github osmosis-labs/osmosis v7.3.0

latest releases: v27.0.0, v27.0.0-rc1, x/ibc-hooks/v0.0.17...
2 years ago

This release focuses on fixing more concurrency issues related to queries.

A few months ago there was a change allowing GRPC queries to be concurrent with the ABCI commit flow that introduced several data races. These were stemming from incorrect propagation of the requested height as well as relaxing the synchronization requirements too much. This release eliminates these data races by propagating the requested height correctly. Additionally, simulation and Tendermint queries are now synchronous with the ABCI commit flow. As a result, node operators may experience slower query performance when simulating transactions or querying Tendermint in exchange for safety.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v7.2.1...v7.3.0

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