github osmosis-labs/osmosis v5.0.0-rc2
v5.0.0-rc2 testnet upgrade version

latest releases: v25.1.0, v25.0.4, v25.0.3...
pre-release2 years ago

Release candidate #2 of v5.0.0, for use on the public testnet.

High level overview of upgrades included in this:

Upgrade to SDK v0.44, include authz module. Also upgrade to IBC v2
Add Bech32IBC, so once governance approves certain IBC channels, you can just send to other chains addresses like cosmos1..., and the chain will handle IBC'ing it out for you
Allow whitelisted tx fee tokens based on conversion rate to OSMO. This means that a single min-fee can be set in osmo, and a full node will accept fees in atoms, etc. at an equivalent spot price derived from the AMMs. (The tx fees are not auto-converted)
Reduce growth rate of epoch time due to common user actions
{Minor bug fixes}

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