github osmosis-labs/osmosis v25.0.0
Osmosis v25.0.0 🧪

latest releases: v25.0.2, v25.0.1
pre-release28 days ago

Upgrade Features

This upgrade primarily consists of fixes and improvements for the Osmosis codebase.

Block SDK - Top of Block Auction

Enhances Osmosis Block construction by adding Lanes within blocks via Skip’s Block SDK.
Lanes act as categorised mempools, each with its own rules and traffic flow.

The initial Lane implemented is the Top of Block Auction.

  • Users can submit a transaction bundle to a lane that takes place before all the other transactions in the block.
  • The first position within the block has value, confirming that the submitter will obtain any time-sensitive value, such as cross-chain arbitrage opportunities.
  • The transaction bundle with the highest bid in USDC will be accepted.

Revenue generated by the Top-of-Block Auction is split: 5% goes to the validator that proposed the block, and 95% is accumulated to a module address for future usage to be determined by governance.

Check out the Blog Post for more information on this feature.

Consensus Improvements

  • Gas prices are now entirely calculated by the EIP 1559-style gas market. Some validators had previously set a higher constant to combat spam, which resulted in empty blocks being produced. The default min-gas-prices parameter used by nodes has been changed to 0.

  • Target Block time of 2.5 seconds, down from the current 3-second target. Block timeout has been reduced from 2 to 1.5 seconds as part of the incremental push towards 1.5-second blocks.

  • Preparation for Comet Pruning implementation by updating consensus parameters for evidence retention periods to two weeks. This ensures all nodes retain the entire unbonding period in blocks for slashing purposes.

Smart Accounts

Smart Accounts allow transactions to be approved by multiple authentication methods.
Example usage of this feature includes functions such as

  • Automated transaction triggers, such as stop orders.
  • One-click trading.
  • Multi-device support.
  • Sub-management of assets.
  • Registration of an Osmosis address using Passkeys, Face ID, or Touch ID.
  • Personal Rate Limit setting for deposits.
  • Social recovery or anti-phishing features.

Smart Account functionality will be enabled by a future governance proposal.
The Smart Account functionality includes a circuit breaker address as an additional security measure to disable the Smart Account service if any vulnerabilities are detected. This address is currently controlled by Osmosis Labs contributors.

Config Updates

If you utilize the --reject-config-defaults flag, please consider manually changing the following values in your config.toml:

timeout_commit = "1.5s"
timeout_propose = "2s"

and the following values in your app.toml:

minimum-gas-prices = "0uosmo"

max-gas-wanted-per-tx =  "60000000"
arbitrage-min-gas-fee =  "0.1"

If you don’t utilize this flag, the above values will automatically be set for you, so no action is needed.


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v25.0.0
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:25.0.0 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:25.0.0-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:25.0.0-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:25.0.0-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:25.0.0 version
# v25.0.0

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

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