github osmosis-labs/osmosis v23.0.8-iavl-v1
Osmosis v23.0.8-iavl-v1 🧪

latest releases: adam/sqs-v26-testing, v25.2.0, v25.1.3...
pre-release3 months ago

NOTE: Only to be used with an IAVL v1 snapshot. You can download from

Reduces default commit timeout down from 4s to 3s. Node operators can also now stop the automatic app.toml/config.toml overrides by adding the --reject-config-defaults=true flag to the start command.


See the full changelog here

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux (amd64 and arm64) are available below.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd osmosis && git checkout v23.0.8-iavl-v1
make install

🐳 Run with Docker

As an alternative to installing and running osmosisd on your system, you may run osmosisd in a Docker container.
The following Docker images are available in our registry:

Image Name Base Description
osmolabs/osmosis:23.0.8-iavl-v1 distroless/static-debian11 Default image based on Distroless
osmolabs/osmosis:23.0.8-iavl-v1-distroless distroless/static-debian11 Distroless image (same as above)
osmolabs/osmosis:23.0.8-iavl-v1-nonroot distroless/static-debian11:nonroot Distroless non-root image
osmolabs/osmosis:23.0.8-iavl-v1-alpine alpine Alpine image

Example run:

docker run osmolabs/osmosis:23.0.8-iavl-v1 version
# v23.0.8-iavl-v1

All the images support arm64 and amd64 architectures.

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