github osTicket/osTicket v1.9-rc
osTicket 1.9 "Whispers"

latest releases: v1.18.1, v1.17.5, v1.18...
pre-release10 years ago

Client Login and Registration

Setup flexible user registration policy for your help desk to match your needs. Users can register for accounts via the client portal and can now login with a username and password instead of email and ticket number. We also have a forgot-my-password link and several other new minor adjustments to the user profile.

External Authentication Support

Use third-party SSO to authenticate your users and staff. Initial support include OAuth2 and LDAP (v0.5 of the LDAP plugin is required)

User Directory

Search, view, and manage, even delete! contact information from the users from whom you receive tickets. Staff can also manually register users and even set an initial password. Users can also be imported and exported via CSV data.


Organize your users together into organizations. Organizations can have internal owners ("Account Manager") and external owners ("Primary Contact"). The Account Manager can receive new ticket and new message alerts. Organization Primary Contacts and members can be automatically added to tickets as collaborators.

User and Organization Notes

Quickly view, edit, add and remove pertinent notes on your users and organizations

Form Management

Staff members can now add, delete, and sort forms attached to tickets, users and organizations as well as remove stale data where fields have been retired from active forms.

Custom Properties for Lists

Add properties to your list items and use it in your email templates and pages. For example create an address property to a list of locations. List items can also be disabled now, which causes them to be hidden from selection.

PJAX page loading

For browsers supporting PJAX, navigating around the system will see a performance improvement as javascript and css files are not re-parsed for each page load.

Redactor 9.2

Several new features including a floating editor bar as well better support for non-US keyboards

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