github oracle/weblogic-deploy-tooling release-1.9.17
WebLogic Deploy Tooling 1.9.17

latest releases: release-4.1.1, release-4.1.0, release-4.0.1...
2 years ago

Additional features in this release:

  • Added support for SubDeployment configuration at the application level.
  • Added discovery of online workmanager attributes.
  • Changed compareModel to keep and return original attributes for applications and libraries when only the source path differs. This ensures that undeploy and later deploy work as intended.

Bugs addressed in this release:

  • Fixed issue where applyJRF was failing during domain creation on WebLogic 11g (10.3.6).
  • Fixed issue preventing staging mode for an application or library from getting set during deploy or redeploy.
  • Fixed bug in error messages 05026 and 05029 to present valid options to choose.
  • Fixed issue preventing listen port in the server template from getting set.
  • Fixed issue preventing DatasourceForAutomaticMigration from being set to null for a cluster.
  • Fixed derivation of Kubernetes replicas value to check both DynamicClusterSize and MaximumDynamicServerCount for dynamic clusters.
  • Fixed discovery of Machine in Servers for online discovery.
  • Corrected default for RotateLogOnStartup for online discovery of WebServer Log configuration.
  • Fixed issue with prepareModel where values in the variables file were overwritten when a corresponding @@PROP: key@@ token was found in the model.

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