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TruffleRuby - GraalVM Community Edition 20.3.0

latest releases: graal-24.0.1, vm-ee-24.0.1, vm-24.0.1...
3 years ago

TruffleRuby is a high-performance implementation of the Ruby programming language.
TruffleRuby aims to be fully compatible with the standard implementation of Ruby, MRI.
The Ruby language support can be added to GraalVM using the gu utility.
More information is available on the GraalVM website:



Bug fixes:

  • Handle foreign null object as falsy value (#1902, @ssnickolay)
  • Fixed return value of Enumerable#first with multiple yielded arguments (#2056, @LillianZ).
  • Improve reliability of the post install hook by disabling RubyGems (#2075).
  • Fixed top level exception handler to print exception cause (#2013).
  • Fixed issue when extending FFI from File (#2094).
  • Fixed issue with Kernel#freeze not freezing singleton class (#2093).
  • Fixed String#encode with options issue (#2091, #2095, @LillianZ)
  • Fixed issue with spawn when :close redirect is used (#2097).
  • Fixed coverage issue when *eval is used (#2078).
  • Use expanded load paths for feature matching (#1501).
  • Fixed handling of post arguments for super() (#2111).
  • Fixed SystemStackError sometimes replaced by an internal Java NoClassDefFoundError on JVM (#1743).
  • Fixed constant/identifier detection in lexer for non-ASCII encodings (#2079, #2102, @ivoanjo).
  • Fixed parsing of --jvm as an application argument (#2108).
  • Fix rb_rescue2 to ignore the end marker (VALUE)0 (#2127, #2130).
  • Fix String#{chomp, chomp!} issue with invalid encoded strings (#2133).
  • Fix status and output when SystemExit is subclassed and raised (#2128)


  • Run at_exit handlers even if parsing the main script fails (#2047).
  • Load required libraries (-r) before parsing the main script (#2047).
  • String#split supports block (#2052, @ssnickolay)
  • Implemented String#{grapheme_clusters, each_grapheme_cluster}.
  • Fix the caller location for #method_added (#2059).
  • Fix issue with Float#round when self is -0.0.
  • Fix String#unpack issue with m0 format (#2065).
  • Fix issue with File.absolute_path returning a path to current directory (#2062).
  • Update Range#cover? to handle Range parameter.
  • Fix String#{casecmp, casecmp?} parameter conversion.
  • Fix Regexp issue which raised syntax error instead of RegexpError (#2066).
  • Handle Object#autoload when autoload itself (#1616, @ssnickolay)
  • Skip upgraded default gems while loading RubyGems (#2075).
  • Verify that gem paths are correct before loading RubyGems (#2075).
  • Implement rb_ivar_count.
  • Implemented rb_yield_values2.
  • Implemented Digest::Base#{update, <<} (#2100).
  • Pass the final super specs (#2104, @chrisseaton).
  • Fix arity for arguments with optional kwargs (#1669, @ssnickolay)
  • Fix arity for Proc (#2098, @ssnickolay)
  • Check bounds for FFI::Pointer accesses when the size of the memory behind is known.
  • Implement negative line numbers for eval (#1482).
  • Support refinements for #to_s called by string interpolation (#2110, @ssnickolay)
  • Module#using raises error in method scope (#2112, @ssnickolay)
  • File#path now returns a new mutable String on every call like MRI (#2115).
  • Avoid infinite recursion when redefining Warning#warn and calling Kernel#warn (#2109).
  • Convert objects with #to_path in $LOAD_PATH (#2119).
  • Handle the functions being native for rb_thread_call_without_gvl() (#2090).
  • Support refinements for Kernel#respond_to? (#2120, @ssnickolay)
  • JCodings has been updated from 1.0.45 to 1.0.55.
  • Joni has been updated from 2.1.30 to 2.1.40.


  • Calls with a literal block are no longer always split but instead the decision is made by the Truffle splitting heuristic.
  • Symbol#to_proc is now AST-inlined in order to not rely on splitting and to avoid needing the caller frame to find refinements which apply.
  • Symbol#to_proc is now globally cached per Symbol and refinements, to avoid creating many redundant CallTargets.
  • Setting and access to the special variables $~ and $_ has been refactored to require less splitting.


  • Migrated from JLine 2 to JLine 3 for the readline standard library.

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