github oracle/truffleruby graal-24.2.0
TruffleRuby 24.2.0

21 hours ago

TruffleRuby is a high-performance implementation of the Ruby programming language.
TruffleRuby aims to be fully compatible with the standard implementation of Ruby, MRI.
More information is available on the website:
TruffleRuby comes in two standalone modes, native and jvm, for both Oracle GraalVM and Community Edition.
See the documentation for which release asset corresponds to what.


New features:

Bug fixes:

  • Fix Module#name called inside the Module#const_added callback when the module is defined in the top-level scope (#3683, @andrykonchin).
  • Fix duplicated calls of a Module#const_added callback when a module with nested modules is assigned to a constant (@andrykonchin).
  • Support OpenSSL 1.1-3.4 and prefer in order OpenSSL 3.0.x, 3.x and 1.1 (EOL). There was a compilation issue with OpenSSL 3.4 (#3724, @eregon).
  • Fix Time{.at,.new,.now,#getlocal,#localtime} methods and validation of seconds in utc offset in String format (@andrykonchin).
  • Fix ObjectSpace.undefine_finalizer and raise FrozenError when called for a frozen object (@andrykonchin).
  • Fix Integer#/ when called with a bignum argument (@andrykonchin).



  • Speedup some C extensions like sqlite3, trilogy and json by 2 to 3 times by using the Panama NFI backend for faster upcalls in JVM mode (@eregon).
  • Optimize encoding negotiation for ASCII-compatible encodings (@eregon, @andrykonchin).


  • Inherit Polyglot::ForeignException from StandardError instead of Exception (#3620, @andrykonchin).

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