- Unsupported feature "COMMAND health check" feature for Container Instance Service has been removed, There is no specific CLI change since the option is passed in by json blob ( --containers [complex type])
- Support for Database Lifecycle Management
oci dblm
- Support for OCI cache service
oci cache
- Support for Bring Your Own DKIM Keys in OCI Email Delivery Service
- Support for Dataflow Steps and Storage Mounts in Pipelines in Data Science service
oci data-science pipeline create --storage-mount-configuration-details-list
oci data-science pipeline update --storage-mount-configuration-details-list
- Support for new Open Id Connect Multi Authentication command in the OKE Control Plane service
oci ce cluster create --configuration-file
- Support for the ZPR Security Attributes
oci load balancer
- Support for Reserve Private IP for Private IP and IPv6
oci network ipv6 ipv6-vnic-detach <input-params>
oci network private-ip private-ip-vnic-detach <input- params>
- Support for new optional parameters in the Private IP and IPv6 for Reserve Private IP
oci network ipv6 create --lifetime
oci network private-ip create --lifetime
oci network ipv6 update --lifetime
oci network private-ip update --lifetime
- Support for extra user-editable configuration parameters in the MySQL Heatwave Database service
- OS Management Hub service
- Support for rebooting of instances, groups and lifecycle stages
oci os-management-hub lifecycle-stage reboot
oci os-management-hub managed-instance reboot
oci os-management-hub managed-instance-group reboot
- Support for private and third party repositories
oci os-management-hub software-source create-private-swsrc
oci os-management-hub software-source create-third-party-swsrc
oci os-management-hub software-source update-private-swsrc
oci os-management-hub software-source update-third-party-swsrc
- Support for re-running work requests
oci os-management-hub work-request rerun
- Support for new commands for custom software sources
oci os-management-hub software-source get-software-source-manifest
oci os-management-hub software-source update-software-source-manifest
oci os-management-hub software-source remove-packages
oci os-management-hub software-source replace-packages
oci os-management-hub software-source list-available-software-packages
oci os-management-hub software-source generate-metadata
- Support for new commands for profiles
oci os-management-hub profile list-available-software-sources
oci os-management-hub profile get-profile-version
oci os-management-hub profile detach-software-sources
oci os-management-hub profile attach-software-sources
oci os-management-hub profile attach-management-station
oci os-management-hub profile attach-managed-instance-group
oci os-management-hub profile attach-lifecycle-stage
oci os-management-hub profile create-windows-stand-alone-profile
- Support for new commands for manages instances
oci os-management-hub managed-instance associate-managed-instances-with-management-station
- Support for new optional parameter
- ``oci os-management-hub managed-instance list --agent-version --management-station --is-reboot-required --management-station-ne
oci os-management-hub managed-instance-group install-packages --is-latest
oci os-management-hub management-station create --is-auto-config-enabled
oci os-management-hub management-station update --is-auto-config-enabled
- ``oci os-management-hub management-station list --location --location-ne
oci os-management-hub profile list --management-station --management-station-ne --profile-version
oci os-management-hub scheduled-job create --work-request-id
oci os-management-hub software-source add-packages --is-continue-on-missing-packages
oci os-management-hub software-source create-custom-swsrc --software-source-sub-type
oci os-management-hub software-source create-versioned-custom-swsrc --software-source-sub-type
oci os-management-hub software-source list ----is-mirror-sync-allowed
oci os-management-hub work-request list --rerun-of-id
- Support for rebooting of instances, groups and lifecycle stages
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