github oracle/oci-cli v2.6.4

latest releases: v3.44.0, v3.42.13, v3.43.2...
4 years ago


  • Support for CreateKubeconfig token version 2.0.0.
    • oci ce cluster generate-token
  • Support creating and updating node pool using regional subnets.
    • oci ce node-pool create --size --placement-configs
    • oci ce node-pool update --size --placement-configs
  • Support for using KMS to encrypt Kubernetes secret.
    • oci ce cluster create --kms-key-id
  • Support for user to specify a two hour window when the auto-backup would kick in. Default is anytime. Example values are SLOT_ONE, SLOT_TWO.
    • oci db database create --auto-backup-window
    • oci db database update --auto-backup-window
  • Support for specifying nsgIds parameter for LaunchAutonomousDbSystemDetails and UpdateAutonomousDbSystemDetails
    • oci db autonomous-exadata-infrastructure launch --nsg-ids
    • oci db autonomous-exadata-infrastructure update --nsg-ids
  • Support for Oracle Content and Experience service.
    • oci oce
  • New read-only system-tags parameter for Load Balancer object.


  • Outdated doc link. (Pull Request <>__)
  • Downloads that fail when oci os object --bulk-download when object names ended with a '/'.

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