- New command as mentioned below is added to the FastConnect Service. A provider service key is an identifier for a provider's virtual circuit.
- oci network fast-connect-provider-service-key get
- Improvement that introduces --customer-reference-name to CrossConnect and CrossConnectGroup in the FastConnectService.
- (oci network cross-connect create --customer-reference-name [text])
- (oci network cross-connect update --customer-reference-name [text])
- (oci network cross-connect-group create --customer-reference-name [text])
- (oci network cross-connect-group update --customer-reference-name [text])
- Improvement that introduces --provider-service-key-name to VirtualCircuit in the FastConnect Service.
- (oci network virtual-circuit create --provider-service-key-name [text])
- (oci network virtual-circuit update --provider-service-key-name [text])
- Make cx-Oracle used by Database Service an optional package for OCI CLI installer. It's installation instructions are as below:
- In *NIX systems, type below commands in bash shell:
- curl -L -O"
- ./ --optional-features db
- In Windows systems using powershell, type below commands:
- ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', "$pwd\install.ps1"))
- .\install.ps1 -OptionalFeatures db
- If just using pip:
- pip install 'oci-cli[db]'
- In *NIX systems, type below commands in bash shell: