- Support for Routing Policies and HTTP2 Listener protocol features in Load Balancer service
oci lb routing-policy
oci lb listener create --routing-policy-name --protocol HTTP2
oci lb listener update --routing-policy-name --protocol HTTP2
- Support for updating instance usage type, (NONPRIMARY, PRIMARY), in OCE service
oci oce oce-instance update --instance-usage-type
- Support for private clusters to the Container Engine in Kubernetes service
oci ce cluster create --endpoint-subnet-id --endpoint-public-ip-enabled --endpoint-nsg-ids
oci ce cluster update-endpoint-config --is-public-ip-enabled --nsg-ids
oci ce cluster create-kubeconfig --kube-endpoint
- Support for model deployment in Data Science service
oci data-science model-deployment
- Support for copying stacks in Resource Manager service
oci resource-manager stack copy
- Support for retrieving certificates for clusters and nodes in Roving Edge Infrastructure service
oci rover cluster get-certificate
oci rover node get-certificate
oci rover node setup-identity
- Bug with resource_principal not properly working with --region parameter