github opf/openproject v11.2.3
OpenProject 11.2.3

latest releases: v14.2.0, v14.1.1, v14.1.0...
3 years ago

We released OpenProject 11.2.3.
The release contains several bug fixes and we recommend updating to the newest version.

Bug fixes and changes

  • Fixed: Task "Start Date in less than" filter does not include dates in the past. [#34513]
  • Fixed: MimeMagic deprecated [#36725]
  • Fixed: date entry of custom date field cannot be deleted [#36727]
  • Fixed: Assign random password broken if "Number of most recently used passwords banned for reuse" enabled [#36746]
  • Fixed: Work package table and Gantt not aligned [#36764]
  • Fixed: BIM group seed data is always applied [#36796]


A big thanks to community members for reporting bugs and helping us identifying and providing fixes.

Special thanks for reporting and finding bugs go to

Klaas van Thoor, Boris Lukashev, Philipp Stäuber

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