github operator-framework/operator-sdk v1.6.1

latest releases: v1.35.0, v1.34.2, v1.34.1...
3 years ago



  • For Golang-based operators, added the declarative.go/v1 plugin which customizes initialized projects with patterns from kubernetes-sigs/kubebuilder-declarative-pattern. (e.g operator-sdk create api --plugins=go/v3,declarative). (#4731)
  • Added kustomize.common/v1 plugin which scaffolds the a commonly used project base that leverages kustomize. (#4730)
  • (ansible/v1, helm/v1) Added the option to configure ansible-operator and helm-operator with a component config. (#4701)
  • (ansible/v1, helm/v1) Add rules for leader election. (#4701)
  • Added alpha config-gen, a kustomize plugin to specialize configuration for kubebuilder-style projects. This feature is alpha and subject to breaking changes. (#4670)
  • (helm/v1, ansible/v1) Added Makefile help target. (#4660)
  • (ansible/v1, helm/v1) Added securityContext's to the manager's Deployment to disallow running as root user. (#4655)
  • Added --ca-secret-name to run bundle and run bundle-upgrade to configure the registry Pod with an in-cluster certificate Secret to use TLS with a private registry. (#4703)
  • For Helm based-operators, added annotation "true" to allow all resources to be deleted before removing the custom resource's finalizer. (#4487)
  • (go/v2, go/v3, ansible/v1, helm/v1) Added the opm and catalog-build Makefile targets to download opm and build operator catalogs either from scratch or an existing catalog. (#4406)
  • Added new optional flags --delete-all, --delete-crds and --delete-operator-groups to the cleanup command. (#4619)
  • Added --service-account to run bundle and run bundle-upgrade to bind registry objects to a non-default service account. (#4694)
  • Added --pull-secret-name to run bundle and run bundle-upgrade to configure the registry Pod with an in-cluster docker config Secret to pull bundle images from private registries. (#4694)
  • (ansible/v1, helm/v1) Create and bind controller-manager to a non-default service account (kubebuilder#2070). (#4653)


  • For Ansible-based Operators: Update Python dependencies.
    • openshift (0.11.2 -> 0.12.0)
    • kubernetes (11.0.0 -> 12.0.1)
    • ansible-runner (1.4.6 -> 1.4.7)
    • ansible (2.9.15 -> 2.9.19). (#4734)
  • (ansible/v1) Update scaffolded requirements.yml to pull in newer versions of the Ansible collections.
    • community.kubernetes (1.1.1 -> 1.2.1)
    • operator_sdk.util (0.1.0 -> 0.2.0). (#4734)
  • (helm/v1) Explicitly set --health-probe-bind-address in the manager's auth proxy patch. (#4654)
  • (ansible/v1) Explicitly set --health-probe-bind-address in the manager's auth proxy patch. (#4654)
  • (go/v2, go/v3, ansible/v1, helm/v1) Changed BUNDLE_IMG and added IMAGE_TAG_BASE Makefile variables to allow one line bundle and catalog image builds. (#4406)
  • For Ansible-based operators, collections as main dependencies for the operator installed with ansible-galaxy are pinned to specific versions to prevent hard to track bugs. (#4529)
  • Update community Kubernetes Ansible collection to version 1.1.1. (#4594)
  • Bumped urllib3 in ansible-operator-base and ansible-operator images to 1.26.4 for a security fix. (#4723)
  • For Ansible-based operators, Python package installation in the Docker image is delegated to a pipenv managed Pipfile and Pipfile.lock, pinning both the main installed packages and their subdependencies. This prevents installing conflicting (sub)dependencies. (#4543)
  • For Ansible-based operators, Python package installation in the Docker image is delegated to a pipenv managed Pipfile and Pipfile.lock, pinning both the main installed packages and their subdependencies. This prevents installing conflicting (sub)dependencies. (#4543)


  • (ansible/v1, helm/v1) The flags --enable-leader-election and --metrics-addr were deprecated in favor of --leader-elect and --metrics-bind-address, respectively, to follow upstream conventions. (#4654)

Bug Fixes

  • (go/v3) Create webhook manifests in config/ on running create webhook, not init. (#4701)
  • (manifests/v2) Added a config/manifests kustomize patch to remove the cert-manager volume and volumeMount from manifests destined for generate <bundle|packagemanifests>. (#4623)
  • For Helm-based operators, fixed handling of kind: List whereby the operator fails when trying to set watch on the object. Watches are created for objects in the list instead. (#4682)
  • (go/v2, go/v3, ansible/v1, helm/v1) Fixed the Prometheus ServiceMonitor metrics endpoint, which was not configured to be scraped correctly. (#4680)
  • In Ansible-based operators, mark the input variables from custom resources as unsafe by default. (#4566)

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