github operator-framework/operator-sdk v1.4.0

latest releases: v1.35.0, v1.34.2, v1.34.1...
3 years ago



  • For Helm-based operators, added Liveness and Readiness probe by default using healthz.Ping. (#4326)
  • For Ansible-based operators, added Liveness and Readiness probe by default using healthz.Ping. (#4326)
  • For Ansible/Helm-based operators, added new flag --health-probe-bind-address to set the health probe address. (#4326)
  • (ansible/v1, helm/v1) Added plugin objects for the manifests and scorecard phase 2 plugins. (#4419)
  • For Ansible-based and Helm-based operators, as well as for the Operator SDK and the (custom) scorecard tests, the Docker base images are pinned to improve the reproducibility of builds using Docker. (#4417)


  • Changed the suggested finalizer format to <qualified-group>/<finalizer-name>. (#4472)
  • Upgraded the kudobuilder/kuttl base image version in the scorecard-test-kuttl image to v0.8.0. (#4391)
  • (go/v2) Changed go PROJECT plugin object to manifests and scorecard objects ( suffix). (#4419)
  • (ansible/v1, helm/v1) Post-fixed positional directory argument . in docker-build make target to align with podman. (#4466)
  • For Ansible-based operators, the Python version has been updated to a newer version, from 3.6 to 3.8 to take advantage of performance improvements, language additions, security updates and generally better availability for local development. (#4413)


  • For Ansible-based operators, the /ping endpoint is deprecated. Use /healthz instead. (#4326)

Bug Fixes

  • Project version now determines how package name is retrieved for a project. (#4431)
  • run bundle-upgrade now handles error gracefully when a previous operator version doesn't exist. (#4451)
  • run bundle and run bundle-upgrade now validate the value passed to the hidden flag --mode before running a bundle. (#4462)
  • For Go-based projects, generate <bundle|packagemanifests> subcommands now consider package and type names when parsing Go API types files to generate a CSV's owned.customresourcedefinitions, such that types in different packages and files will not overwrite each other. (#4445)
  • Bumped operator-framework/api to prevent operator-sdk bundle validate from exiting non-0 when validation emits only warnings. (#4458)
  • Fixed panic when "operator-sdk bundle validate" fails. (#4386)
  • Update containerd dependency to correctly handle running the Operator SDK CLI on Apple Silicon. (#4359)
  • Fixed invalid object names generated for long package names passed to run packagemanifests & run bundle. (#4471)
  • Corrected the download URL for helm-operator and ansible-operator in their respective project types. (#4407)
  • Fixed the order of helm-operator, ansible-operator, and kustomize binary checks in the Makefile. (#4407)
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Helm operator to remove the finalizer without doing a helm uninstall. (#3431)
  • For Helm-based operators, do not add owner references to resources that contain the Helm annotation: ' keep'. (#4389)

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