github operator-framework/operator-sdk v1.14.0

latest releases: v1.34.2, v1.34.1, v1.34.0...
2 years ago



  • Added new flag options --storage-image and --untar-image to the Scorecard command to allow overwrite its default values. These options are useful for disconnect environments and to prevent an impact of the external registry's pull limits. (#5306)
  • Added information to the errors raised by scorecard basic tests to allow easily identify the scenarios. (#5273)



  • Helm operator reconciliation diffs are now logged only at the zap debug level. (#5307)

Bug Fixes

  • scorecard will now print out the failed CR when the basic test fails. (#5255)
  • For Ansible-based Operators, adds documented Successful condition, and no longer removes conditions from the status in updates. Users can now wait for a successful reconciliation by waiting for the Successful type condition to be True. (#5262)
  • Fixed an error where bundle validate would return a "duplicate service account" error when an object and service account have the same in a bundle. (#5282)
  • The list of webhooks in webhookdescription was previously sorted based on webhookType. It is now being sorted based on webhook names. (#5301)

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