github operator-framework/kubectl-operator v0.2.0

latest releases: v0.5.1, v0.5.0, v0.4.0...
3 years ago


298e669 relax format for startingCSV guessing algorithm; use simple search/replace (#32)
f3b4aec Add darwin_arm64 target to support Apple Silicon (#35)
c4893fb minor improvements on uninstall refactoring, log csv kind when deleting csvs (#31)
a89c83e Dependency bumps: Controller-runtime v0.8.2, containerd v1.4.3 (#30)
fdca85f Improve uninstall command (#29)
d321b71 internal/pkg/action/operator_uninstall.go: minor improvements (#28)
9158a6c demo: update to use prometheus operator; cockroachdb will soon be replaced by new/official version in the catalog

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