kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --for=condition=Available --namespace=cert-manager deployment/cert-manager-webhook --timeout=60s
kubectl apply -f
- 3b1780e Remove Resource Limits (#111)
- 680aefa detect in-cluster namespace by default, --system-namespace takes precedence if set (#110)
- 1a8bdac add PSA labels to namespace for baseline enforcement (#109)
- c691c3e e2e: support env var for catalog image (#108)
- b996f69 Adds codecov integration (#104)
- 52e8822 Updates GH Actions to avoid using deprecated node (#103)
- 225275d bump controller-gen to v0.12.0 (#105)
- d5ce2b1 #81 Updated README (#93)
- fb12499 Update enhancement hackmd link (#102)
- b46bc46 bump to go 1.20 (#101)
- 2365db6 Implement CatalogMetadata API to expose FBC content (#91)
- 748a2a4 (ci): add linting + fix existing errors (#99)
- 83da08b Adds error checking for feature gates (#98)
- 9fe45a6 Add feature gates infrastructure (#90)