github openzipkin/zipkin 2.22.1
Zipkin 2.22.1

latest releases: 3.3.0, 3.2.1, 3.2.0...
3 years ago

Zipkin 2.22.1 starts publishing multi-architecture Docker images, also to GitHub Container Registry.

Most of this effort is to help end users avoid Docker Hub pull rate limits that apply November 1st.

If you want to change your build or deployment process to use a non rate-limited image, it is as easy as this:

-docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin-slim
+docker run -d -p 9411:9411

OpenZipkin are a volunteer team. The work done here came in service to you and traded off days, evenings and weekends to deliver on time. If you are happy with the help you've had these last over 5 years, please ensure you've starred our repo or drop by to say thanks on gitter.

If you have time to help us continue to serve others, please stop by on gitter with a suggestion of what you'd like to help with or a request for what might be a neat way to start. Our community has grown a lot over the years, but it is always in need of more hands!

Multi-architecture Docker images

Zipkin's Docker image is now available for arm64 architecture. This eases Raspberry Pi (RPI) K8s deployment and Amazon EKS on AWS Graviton2 as you no longer have to build your own image. This also enables users who use Zipkin in their build pipeline to be unblocked from switching to arm64.

Zipkin's server is written in Java, and hosts web assets run in a client's browser. White there are a few optional native optimizations at the Netty (I/O) layer, it has no operating system or architecture restrictions. That said, a significant amount of our user base use our Docker images. These users are restricted to our OS and architecture choices, as manifest in the Docker build. To allow arm64 was a bigger change than it seemed. We use Alpine Linux and our JDK distribution had to change because Zulu (or former choice) didn't support arm64. Also, publishing multi-architecture seems simple, but it is definitely more complicated, especially on developer laptops. We had to perform significant build work, including use of buildx and qemu to emulate arm64 when not running it. Many thanks to the lead @adrianfcole and advice by @dmfrey, @odidev and @anuraaga.

While users can now use arm64, our job isn't quite over. We also want to run our own build on Arm64! This allows us to do integration tests. While we surmounted some hurdles running our NPM build on Alpine, but @odidev noticed a blocker on [Cassandra](]. After that, we'd still need to update our GitHub actions and Travis jobs to use the arch (ex for pull requests). If you are interested in this and can lend a hand, please say so on this issue.

We now publish our Docker images to both Docker Hub and GitHub Container Registry

Zipkin is a technology often integrated into other stacks. We've always been conscious about our impacts here. Apart from optional storage and messaging transports, we've never required a multi-image deployment even when Zipkin is run in different roles. This has helped you download (docker pull) less often.

We also made the lower overhead "openzipkin/zipkin-slim" image, as well test Kafka and storage images which share layers. Our base layer uses a custom "jlinked" JRE image which is less than 100MB. We almost famously guard any changes to the server that would bloat anything. We aren't done, but our volunteers have put immense effort on your behalf to keep you pulling less and less often.

Many open source developers were nervous for good reason about Docker Hub's usage policy starting November 1st. This implies three things for open source developers using Docker Hub (ex. docker pull openzipkin/zipkin).

  • you likely have to authenticate now
  • you are restricted to 200 pulls per 6hrs
  • images you make that aren't pulled in 6 months will (eventually) be purged

The first point impacts people's pipelines. In any open community authenticating can be a pain. Using personal credentials for community work can feel conflicted. The second point is more dire. Many are simply not aware how often the pull from Docker Hub!

For example, OpenZipkin community defines "latest", the default tag, as "latest release" meaning that if you run docker pull openzipkin/zipkin, it will only consume your pull request quota if you are rebuilding your image cache, or we released a new version. While we release new versions somewhat often, it isn't enough to worry about. However, many projects treat "latest" as every commit. This means depending on what image you depend on, it could change more than once per hour. To run tests in some projects require pulling such images. To amplify this, some developers volunteer time on many projects. The amplification of these factors means that a volunteer making no money at all can become forced into a subscription to pay for the privilege to do that.

The final point on retention is also tricky. Many expect images to never disappear. While we always want people to upgrade, we don't want people to be surprised that something they've cached in house for a while cannot be rebuilt.

OpenZipkin is and will always be free in spirit and practice. We will not force our volunteers or end users into any subscription. To address this issue quickly, we decided to publish images also to GitHub Container Registry. This is currently free and not rate-limited on consumption. If that changes, we will publish issues also to another registry :P

For those reading this and wondering what this means, it means the following. Our primary source of images is now here. The top-level images, including our server and test backends are also pushed to Docker Hub for convenience.

If you want to change your build or deployment process to use a non rate-limited image, it is as easy as this:

-docker run -d -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin-slim
+docker run -d -p 9411:9411

The full impact of this required a lot of change to our build process, even if GitHub Container Registry is pretty easy. For example, to set descriptions there, we had to add some standard labels to our images. While we were at it, we added more labels:

docker inspect --format='{{json .Config.Labels}}'|jq
  "alpine-version": "3.12.1",
  "java-version": "15.0.1_p9",
  "maintainer": "OpenZipkin",
  "org.opencontainers.image.authors": "OpenZipkin",
  "org.opencontainers.image.description": "Zipkin slim distribution on OpenJDK and Alpine Linux",
  "org.opencontainers.image.source": "",
  "org.opencontainers.image.version": "2.22.1",
  "zipkin-version": "2.22.1"

This process was a lot of work and we thank @adriancole for the bulk of it. However, it was not possible without team input, particularly credential management and other knowledge sharing to make practice sustainable. Thanks also to @anuraaga @jorgheymans @jcchavezs and @abesto for inputs and review.

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