- Added UseStandardCharset recipe. 8965527
- Fix all source file line endings by @JLLeitschuh. #1726
- Added support for flow style mappings to Yaml. #1721
92af590 - Add greatest common substring length method to StringUtils. #1735
- Quarks. #1737
- Add TypeValidation to the RewriteTest #1732
- Add ReferentialEqualityToObjectEquals recipe for RSPEC-1698. #1756
- Added java 8 type mapping tests. #1770
- Add yamlRecipe to RecipeSpec. 5ddbeb88
- Added create(..) to UriCreatedWithHttpScheme.URI_CREATE. 0a30112
- DataFlow [wip] a746dc8
- Remove HiddenField recipe from CommonStaticAnalysis recipe. 92af590
- Remove ReplaceDuplicateStringLiterals from CommonStaticAnalysis recipe. 336722f
- Tweak AddDelegatesToGradleApi to not add @DelegatesTo to methods that have a particular phrase in their JavaDoc comment. 3cac3a0
- Fix #1736 GroovyTypeMapping misattributes pe parameters as class with no ty a JavaType.Parameterized
- Simplify JavaSourceSet.build(fullTypeInformation = true). Extraction of parameterized types never worked quite right and is irrelevant to the only use case which makes use of this setting. 33d303d
- Added a flag to override managed dependencies when changing a dependency. fixes #1723
- Convert ChangeDependencyGroupIdAndArtifactIdTest.kt to fluent tests. 22f3c53
- Do not remove casts from GenericTypeVariables in RemoveRedundantTypeCast. #1739
- Preserve comment of removed variable in ReplaceDuplicateStringLiterals. #1742
- Defaulted changes from ReplaceDuplicateStringLiterals to the main source set. #1745
- Defaulted changes from MethodNameCasing to main source set. #1746
- Change property key with existing mapping. #1747
- Going from one to no dependencies must update the maven model. #1754
- isDependencyTag should resolve the managed scope if scope is missing. #1717
- Do not attempt to replace variable declarations on source file in
. #1758 - Update StringLiteralEquality preserve binary prefix and schedule EqualAvoidsNull after. 783d41c
- Add an addOnly flag to AddOrUpdateAnnotationAttribute. #1760
- Prevent class cast exception in
. #1758 - Prevent class clast exception if the symbol.type is
. #1764 - Remove kotlin dependencies from compile classpath AND published pom.xml. #1738
- Disable commit signing in GitProvenanceTest to avoid spurrious failures because of local git (mis)configuration/jgit inability to find the signing service on Windows. ded5f0e
- Update RewriteTest to skip generation of type attribution by default. 95ba902
- Fix serialization issue with RawMaven.PluginManagement 7a1bba2 c1e3e1f
- Do not save metadata to the on-disk chache. #1768
- Preserve existing mapping prefixes in DeleteProperty. #1769
- Do not change type cast to method reference of method invocations in
. #1772 - Only list a recipe as having made a change one in diff comments 588922d
misreports overloads of methods on classes that accept type parameters as not being overloads. #1759- Do not change var from Java 10 in UseCollectionInterfaces. #1773
- Escape quote characters from literal values in UseStringReplace. #1781
Full Changelog: v7.22.0...v7.23.0