github openplayerjs/openplayerjs v1.14.0

latest releases: v2.14.4, v2.14.3, v2.14.2...
4 years ago

1.14.0 (2019-11-21)

Bug Fixes

  • ads: Modified error conditional and displaying of error; added missing workflow on loadedmetadata event to check if more Ad URLs need to be loaded (da25ced)
  • events: Fixed Ads error event due to typo; removed default onError content (a42a5a2)
  • player: Fixed typos when creating event and added documentation about it (8d306b2)
  • README: Added updated examples and fixed minor issues detected in structure (37fd312)


  • payer: Added new playererror event to expose any errors in an OpenPlayer instance (c587662)

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