github openiddict/openiddict-core 6.0.0-preview2

pre-release12 hours ago

This release introduces the following changes:

  • OpenIddict 6.0 preview 2 was updated to reference the .NET 9.0 RC2 packages on .NET 9.0.

  • The OpenIddict.MongoDb and OpenIddict.MongoDb.Models packages now reference MongoDB.Driver and MongoDB.Bson 3.0.0 and are now strong-named.


The third iteration of the C# MongoDB driver no longer supports .NET Standard 2.0 and requires .NET Framework 4.7.2 as the minimal version: OpenIddict users relying on the MongoDB integration and using the OpenIddict.MongoDb or OpenIddict.MongoDb.Models packages in projects targeting .NET Standard 2.0 or .NET Framework < 4.7.2 will need to update their projects when bumping OpenIddict to 6.0 preview 2.

  • A new "claims issuer" option has been added to the client and validation stacks to allow controlling the value OpenIddict uses to populate the Claim.Issuer and Claim.OriginalIssuer property. This option is specially useful when using the OpenIddict client in legacy ASP.NET 4.6.2+ applications using ASP.NET Identity, since the Claim.Issuer property is directly reflected in the user interface:
options.AddRegistration(new OpenIddictClientRegistration
    // ...

    Issuer = new Uri("https://localhost:44395/", UriKind.Absolute),
    ClaimsIssuer = "Local authorization server"
       .AddActiveDirectoryFederationServices(options =>
           // ...



To simplify migrating from the aspnet-contrib providers, the OpenIddict client now uses OpenIddictClientRegistration.ProviderName as the first fallback value when OpenIddictClientRegistration.ClaimsIssuer is not explicitly set (which is consistent with the pattern used in the OAuth 2.0-based social providers developed by Microsoft and the community).

If no provider name was set, the issuer URI is used as the claims issuer, as in previous versions.

  • To be consistent with the new prompt values name used in OpenIddict 6.0 preview 1, the GetPrompts() and HasPrompt() extension have been renamed to GetPromptValues() and HasPromptValue().

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