github openhab/openhab-distro 3.3.0
openHAB 3.3.0

latest releases: 4.3.0.M1, 4.2.1, 4.2.0...
2 years ago

This is the official release of openHAB 3.3.0.

The binaries are available on Artifactory and via "Stable" on our APT repository.

New and Noteworthy

The openHAB 3.3 release is a feature release that contains many new features, enhancements and bug fixes, both for the core runtime and for many add-ons. You can find the most relevant ones listed in detail below.

openHAB 3.3 is fully backward compatible to openHAB 3.2 setups - there are only a few exceptions in certain bindings where manual action is required to adapt an existing setup, so please carefully check the section on breaking changes.

Quick links:

  • Notes about new add-ons
  • Notes about the core runtime
  • Notes about the uis
  • Notes about the add-ons
  • Upgrade Process for openHABian, APT, RPM, Manual Installations
  • Breaking Changes that require manual interaction after the upgrade.

Relevant Changes

New Add-ons

The following add-ons are newly introduced with the 3.3 release:

Add-on Type Issue
actiontemplatehli Voice #12260
awattar Binding #11976
electroluxair Binding #11116
elroconnects Binding #11189
evcc Binding #12611
fineoffsetweatherstation Binding #12464
flicbutton Binding #9234
googlestt Voice #12055
groupepsa Binding #10332
guntamatic Binding #12011
jellyfin Binding #11939
livisismarthome Binding #12440
luxom Binding #12310
mybmw Binding #12006
mycroft Binding #11040
porcupineks Voice #12028
prowl Binding #10967
publictransportswitzerland Binding #8540
rustpotterks Voice #12606
sonnen Binding #11915
veSync Binding #12219
voskstt Voice #12249
watsonstt Voice #12161
wundergroundupdatereceiver Binding #10105
yamahamusiccast Binding #11880

The following improvements were made:


Type Issue Change
Enhancements 2596 Add DecimalType-ctor with Number argument
2607 Allow uninstalling of removed addons and fix other issues
2617 UIRegistry now extensible, like other registries
2622 Add a PEMTrustManager to deal with different PEM files (e.g. self-signed or global CA certificates)
2633 Allow offline mode
2635 Devices may apply a grace period for removal from the Inbox
2641 Allow the use of an HTTP proxy
2653 Log warning for equals condition for DecimalTypes and QuantityTypes
2657 Implement "forceAsItem" functionality for Charts in sitemaps
2658 Add "System reached start level XX" trigger for DSL rules
2660 Use ZonedDateTime instead of Date in ModifiablePersistenceService interface
2662 Do not log a warning if QuantityState has unit AbstractUnit.ONE
2682 Enable config validation for thing creation and update
2691 Add config validator for parameter options
2693 Update dialog processing
2703 Make configuration value parser available for export
2712 Enable config validation for updates by handler
2720 Enable missing validations
2723 Expose three classes used as bindings in JSR-223 rules as interfaces
2728 Add Spanish language
2731 New REST API to start/stop dialog processing
2739 Extend ExpiryManager to allow ignoring state updates
2748 Support multi bundle bindings in i18n-maven-plugin
2749 Show start level in /systeminfo
2754 Log a message if a model is parsed and no thing handler factory can be found
2756 Add triggeringThing name to DSL rules
2757 Add bearingTo method for PointType
2758 Add new Imperial Pressure unit psi
2769 Add a profile for linking trigger channels to String items
2772 Add ability to change loggers and expose package names of add-ons
2773 Make ConfigDescription for thing and channels available to ThingHandler
2784 Allow type migrations in JSONStorage
2786 Upgrade Xtext/Xtend to 2.26.0, LSP4J to 0.12.0
2791 New actions to start/stop dialog processing
2792 Add missing method getSource with sourceId as parameter
2793 New feature "listen and answer"
2800 Log the remote address of failed login attempts
2811 Add version filtering
2814 Add accepted types to ProfileContext
2821 Add a registry for transformation configurations and allow editing them
2822 New console commands to list the voice services
2823 New optional arguments for console command voice startdialog
2825 Allow binary MediaType for RawType item states
2829 Show config validation messages in thing status
2832 Allow using * as wildcard in thing status triggers
2852 Extend ProfileContext to allow data type changing profiles
2866 Add Indoor Temperature as system channel type
2883 Add a generic script transformation
2894 Allow changing watched directory of a WatchService
2906 Allow hli list
2911 Add ability to name timers / scheduled jobs
2912 Add missing system channels descriptions
2914 Use ThingStorageEntity instead of ThingImpl/BridgeImpl for storage
2923 Add new module DateTimeTrigger for triggering on a DateTime state
2927 Add configurable after connection delay
2928 Return parent Location and Equipment
2931 Extend PersistenceExtensions with "between" methods
2937 Add option for formatting the y-axis labels in charts
2939 Allow intercepting logs and make assertions for log messages
2946 Allow sub-directories for icons
2960 Add processing of Accept header to AudioServlet
2963 Add DateTimeTrigger to DSL rule model
2966 Allow generation of default translations for automation modules
2990 Allow DSL scripts for script transformation
2995 Allow default color condition for labelcolor and valuecolor
Bug Fixes 2538 Include full exception when WatchQueueReader thread dies
2650 Fix hardcoded value for WAV file
2652 Make SSEResource robust against missing parameters
2654 Prevent errors in log when there is a connection timeout
2655 Prevent errors in log when client closes the HTTP connection
2661 Align parsing of startlevel config
2663 Force English locale to parse marketplace UI components timestamp
2664 ScriptFileWatcher subdirectory loading upon startup no longer hardcoded
2668 Do not reuse FilterCriteria instance for more than one query
2670 Remove 'clac' noise when playing wave (javasound)
2678 Fix NPE of AddonServices during startup
2681 Script engines now unloaded if replaced, and closed if AutoCloseable
2683 Fix broken config validation for required parameters
2699 Allow String values for other Types
2706 Script Engines now removed from manager when closed
2708 ScriptFileWatcher initial import now only processes dir
2709 Fix wrong openAPI schema for /inbox
2714 Fix getSTT
2718 Fix NPE and exception while parsing config value
2724 Allow multiple listeners for same directory in WatchService
2732 Do not share mic ref on javasound + close audio streams and use RecognitionStartEvent on dialogprocessor
2735 Fix removal of thing properties (single and bulk)
2736 Fix recursive membership throws StackOverflowException on REST API call
2740 Keep format of thing properties
2745 Fix WatchQueueReader cancelling jobs too early
2746 Prevent JsonStorage backup corruption when disk is full
2753 Fix exception during startup when kar is not yet loaded
2755 Fix missing STARTLEVEL_COMPLETE ReadyMarker
2760 Fix context being re-used for next execution
2761 Fix processor aborting before response
2762 Fix dispose is called on handlers for disabled things
2771 Prevent non-profile links for trigger channels
2778 Flush old JsonStorage to file before recreating a new one
2781 Prevent errors in log when client closes the HTTP connection
2785 Fix deadlock when removing ScriptEngine
2787 Fix rules stay uninitialized when using Java 17
2799 Fix proxy can't handle requests with forwarded host list
2824 Fix PersistentInbox tries to update unmanaged things
2826 Fix spanish text tokenization and on/off rule
2827 Update french syntax
2828 Fix things in REMOVING state initialize instead of getting removed
2830 Fix ServiceException when add-on handlers are not fully initialized
2842 Remove MQTT system broker leftovers
2884 Update semantic metadata of group members when groups are added/removed
2886 Fix ScriptEngine not removed if created by ScriptAction
2889 Fix spanish tokenization
2890 Fix microphone data line sharing on Windows OS
2895 Fix UnitUtils.getDimensionName returns Angle instead of Dimensionless
2897 Fix memory leak in ScriptedRuleProvider
2899 Upgrade nrjavaserial to fix file descriptor leak
2901 Do not allow empty last segment in UID
2918 Fix "recursive membership detected" for plain items
2940 Refactor thing update handling of ThingManagerImpl
2941 Fix item name checking in ItemUtil
2945 Fix transformations not removed if file deleted
2948 Add support for automatic creation of ManagedProviders for UI components
2949 Fix EphemerisManager crashing on invalid configuration
2951 Fix MQTT status message when disconnected while connecting
2953 Fix "openhab --help" and "help openhab" in Karaf console
2955 Fix NPE in ItemUIRegistry
2957 Fix namespace "channel" is added to item metadata
2959 Fix resource leaks in AudioServlet
2961 Fix console extension output to wrong console
2964 Fix spaces in options not properly handled in i18n-maven-plugin
2969 Fix interpret actions description
2972 Reduce levels of modbus connection logger
2975 Assume installed addons are compatible
2983 Fix dangling SSE subscriptions
2986 Fix SSE topic filters
2996 Fix DateTime trigger syntax to not break the equals function in the execution script
3010 Fix config validation for integer values
3012 Fix grep console not working
3016 Fix ConcurrentModificationException in WatchQueueReader

User Interfaces

UI Type Issue Change
Basic UI Enhancements 1256 Use forceAsItem-option from sitemaps
HABot Enhancements 1274 Add german tests and training data
HABPanel Enhancements 1380 Dummy and Clock widget improvements
Main UI Enhancements 1252 Add alexa arabic language parameter option
1257 Expand alexa range value attribute support
1258 Add alexa semantic mappings parameters visible condition
1260 Don't use a shadow block for oh_runrule parameters
1261 Add hsb block, dict get, triggeredEvent, check value, inline script
1262 Update alexa channel integration
1264 Labelling of items in Model tab pages (Equipment & Properties)
1265 Add alexa color temperature reset parameter
1270 Update alexa step speaker integration
1281 Location sensitive model tab pages sorting
1284 Update alexa channel attribute
1292 Add event Terns
1302 Floor plan features and bugfix
1307 New option to display equipment as accordion in Locations cards
1313 Taphold action on oh-label-card and oh-button
1317 New HomeKit group mapping editor
1321 Move all date blocks to own category, modify some docu
1325 Add ignore state update checkbox to expire metadata config
1328 Fix alexa toggle state attribute
1335 Add aggregation function for play/pause
1337 Change help urls to official OH blockly rules docs
1342 UI: Thing configuration: Mask passwords in configuration read from files
1347 Add support for additional homekit accessories
1350 Use displayState in oh-input
1357 Add DateTimeTrigger in rules configuration
1359 Allow resource overrides for main UI.
1379 Support formatting labels in charts in Basic UI
1380 Dummy and Clock widget improvements
1382 Add more datetime support, type-independent log block , CRLF block
1386 Add WebRTC support to video widget
1388 Add ignore commands checkbox to expire metadata config
1393 Canvas layout bug fixes and edition mode UI improvements
1394 Add page action configuration option to override vars in target page
1395 Configuration of context labels in Equipment and Properties card of homepage tabs.
1396 Fix item value hidden for equipment accordion button
1398 Prevent some undesired 'NULL' labels in lists for un-typed Groups.
1401 Add help button to OH docs, provide blockly source maps for debugging
1404 Foreground detection mixin service for widgets
1414 Add zoom controls to workspace
1416 Add support for homekit parameter groups
1421 Update autocompletion for ECMAScript2021
Bug Fixes 1279 Fix homekit config - make boolean to text
1283 Disable user-select on user facing pages (run mode) to prevent text selection issues
1285 Configuration option to hide item state in main UI list widgets
1297 Fix single tap on floor plan on iOS
1306 Extract first line from multi-line thing description for the ThingTyp…
1312 Fix alexa cubic symbol uom
1344 Fix incorrect parameter group definition
1385 Fix the parsing of the model for Location cards following PR #1307.
1405 Fix page loading message
1407 Equipment as accordion click through fixes
1408 Provide link styling to list item used as equipment accordion item.
1409 Fix dt block type, add missing options to dt block, add help urls
1410 Fix Blockly datesupport
1412 oh-icon: Verify icon property is a string before performing string operations.
1254 Fix item.getAttributes


Add-on Type Issue Change
airquality Bug Fixes 12290 Cleanup semantic tags
amazonechocontrol Bug Fixes 11943 Fix refresh time for skill connected devices
ambientweather Enhancements 12429 Update dependency used by ambientweather
amplipi Enhancements 12297 Add support for incremental volume control
androiddebugbridge Enhancements 11692 Add channels for record events, open urls and doc improvements
11881 Add mDNS discovery for Fire TV Stick
12438 Add start intent channel
12491 Add DynamicCommandOptionsProvider to populate 'start-package' Channel
Bug Fixes 12791 Fix start-intent channel
astro Bug Fixes 11889 Fix timeLeft calculation at the end of the year
atlona Enhancements 11966 Correct spelling of atlona
avmfritz Enhancements 12466 Add support for DECT 302
Bug Fixes 12617 Do not create a thing type UID using an empty ID
benqprojector Enhancements 12866 Add discovery service
bluetooth.airthings Bug Fixes 12261 Catch all exceptions in a scheduled task to prevent future executions from being suppressed
bluetooth.generic Bug Fixes 12130 Update commons-beanutils to 1.9.4
bluetooth.ruuvitag Enhancements 12352 Correct movement counter channel description
boschindego Enhancements 12905 Rewrite to avoid external dependencies
12949 Add localization support for textual states
Bug Fixes 12990 Fix communication error description on failed HTTP call
boschshc Enhancements 12680 Support Bosch Smart Home Cameras
12758 Support for Bosch Intrusion Detection System
cbus Bug Fixes 11846 Fix exception from threadpool at startup
chromecast Bug Fixes 11893 Prevent errors in log when URI host is null
daikin Enhancements 12239 Fix communication errors by retrying failed http requests
12300 Add the ability to disable background discovery
12324 Fix Special Mode and Streamer support
Bug Fixes 12165 Fix NPE when setting Airbase zones on startup
dali Bug Fixes 11936 Fix frame packing
danfossairunit Enhancements 11992 Consolidate properties for compliance
12277 Use system channel types for humidity and outdoor temperature
12493 Minor value cache tweaks
Bug Fixes 11891 Fix inability to recover from network issues on initialization
12217 Fix already configured units in inbox
deconz Enhancements 11885 Support for air quality sensor
12248 Reduce log level for messages received for unconfigured devices
12422 Add support for lowbattery flag from state response
Bug Fixes 12223 Prevent Null Pointer Exception if socket connection is broken
12245 Fix unreachable lights and sensors being marked as GONE
12287 Cleanup semantic tags
deutschebahn Enhancements 12786 DB API Marketplace adjustments
Bug Fixes 12406 Fix order of stops
digitalstrom Bug Fixes 12033 Adoptions due to API changes in DSS Update 1.19.2
dmx Bug Fixes 12265 Fix tags for channel color_temperature
dsmr Bug Fixes 12756 Identifier cosem objects should be parsed as hex values
dynamodb Enhancements 11914 AWS SDK updated to 2.17.102
ecobee Enhancements 12892 Add support for the Smart Thermostat Premium
ecotouch Enhancements 11716 Fix description of nviSollKuehlen and coolEnableTemp being writable
enocean Enhancements 12133 Enable usage of Nodon roller-shutter repeater mode
epsonprojector Bug Fixes 11953 Fix projector error message display
12586 Fix discovery service to prevent erroneous inbox items
feican Enhancements 12272 Add semantic tags on channel color_temperature
freebox Bug Fixes 12683 Ignore disabled things
fronius Enhancements 11835 Add Ohmpilot thing and channel realpowersum for thing meter
12258 Add support for Fronius Smart Meter 65A
12371 Fix DecimalType constructor change
12420 Add Autonomy and Self Consumption channels
12867 Add additional Inverter DC channels
Bug Fixes 12255 Fix communication errors by retrying failed http requests
gardena Enhancements 12947 Fix compiler warnings
13004 Eliminate ClassCastException (quick fix)
Bug Fixes 11825 Fix handling of websocket connection losses that causes memory leaks
globalcache Bug Fixes 12956 Fix NPE when reading reply from device
goecharger Enhancements 12400 Add API V2 support
12742 Add powerAll to thing-types
Bug Fixes 12682 Fix issue with category
12733 Fix compatibility with go-eCharger V3
googletts Enhancements 11925 Improve exception handling
Bug Fixes 11877 Use returned sound to get play informations
govee Bug Fixes 12373 Fix Govee H5102 detection
groovyscripting Enhancements 12043 Add conf/automation/groovy to the classpath
harmonyhub Enhancements 11941 Add a RepresentationProperty to discovery to avoid duplicate inbox entries
haywardomnilogic Enhancements 11223 Add filter & pump RPM & state channels
hdpowerview Enhancements 11698 Fix secondary position bug. Add shade database and properties.
11768 Update positions after triggering scene/scene group
11853 Refactor dynamic channels
11933 Support refresh command for battery-related channels
11944 Support refresh command for signal strength channel
11980 Add firmware information properties for hub and shade
11989 Use standard firmware property constant
12002 Add support for calibrating a shade
12032 Fix SAT warnings
12045 Update shade database
12049 Refactor exception handling
12061 Add support for repeaters
12081 Add shade type 65 to database
12098 Add support for rear blackout panel
12113 Optimize initialization of shades
12138 Introduce command channel for shades
12141 Fix autoupdate for scene/scene group trigger items
12175 Add shade identify command
12181 Improve error handling for unknown shades and timeouts
12214 Eliminate risk of bad firmware response breaking shade/scene updates
12308 Add support for setting repeater LED color and brightness
12331 Remove unnecessary init checks and fix Thing status detail
12761 Add Silhouette Duolite (shade type 38) to capabilities database
12796 Change method names to match documentation
12857 Add shutters (shade type 66) to capabilities database
12902 Corrections to shade database and capabilities
Bug Fixes 11857 Fix support for PowerView Hub v1
12237 Fix for capabilities:1 shades
12259 Fix regression when bridge is offline while initializing child things
12323 Interrupt current thread on InterruptedException
12930 Fix signalStrength channel update after REFRESH command
helios Bug Fixes 12721 Remove support for obsolete firmware 2.7
homeconnect Bug Fixes 12685 Ignore disabled things
homekit Enhancements 12072 Quick restart on network changes
12083 Use quantity type conversions for temperature characteristics
12205 Make network onChange method synchronized
12267 Update java hap library
12346 Add support for complex accessories
12536 Add support for additional homekit accessories
Bug Fixes 11803  Return min value of characteristic instead of 0
12024 Fix Fahrenheit conversion
12172 Handle NULL/UNDEF for temperature characteristics
12293 Mark item dirty only if it has homekit metadata
12305 Fix "No Response" issue due missing pairing information
12450 Do unit conversion for min/max heating/cooling temps
12540 Fix Fan Rotation Speed. add support for dimmer
12854 Update configuration revision on start
12931 Fix issue with some hue lights, e.g. xiaomi
12959 Fix for battery charging state
homematic Enhancements 11982 Fix long button press handling for HM-IP devices
Bug Fixes 11971 Fix incorrect scan duration after openHAB restart
12192 Remove state description step size handling
12436 Prevent the use of exponential notation
12437 Fix invalid default values ending up in the thing type
12557 Validate datapoint values before writing to config
http Enhancements 11995 Provide meaningful error messages
12350 Allow pre-escaped URLs
12594 Support all 2xx response codes
hue Enhancements 10977 Semantics added to channel types
Bug Fixes 12182 Fix setting wrong values for ledindication configuration
hydrawise Bug Fixes 12275 Support unused zones
iaqualink Bug Fixes 12659 Fix issue using manual pool IDs
icalendar Enhancements 11928 Add original texts for translation
12482 Add ability to handle events without DTEND
Bug Fixes 11866 Fix httpclient getting stuck with broken requests
icloud Bug Fixes 12587 Fix ONLINE state when device response status is 203
influxdb Bug Fixes 11139 Fix for influxdbv1 retention and table names containing keywords or special chars
11993 Fix previous item state performance issues
innogysmarthome Bug Fixes 12008 VariableActuators are now recognized again (#11741)
insteon Enhancements 12243 Prevent null values from being inferred when printing to console
Bug Fixes 12169 Ignore missing network handler when disposing a device
12787 Ignore commands if device is not online
12790 Set device to offline if network is not online after initialization
12904 Set device offline if it doesn't exist in the plm/hub database
ipcamera Enhancements 11921 Fix multiple mjpeg issues and allow stream to stay alive
Bug Fixes 12399 Fix Digest bug and Doorbird fixes.
12814 Doorbird online/offline bug fix
12964 Fix multiple parts handling for Dahua events
ipobserver Enhancements 12151 Add support for WiFi version and push based method.
ipp Enhancements 12039 Add representation property and code improvements
12443 Update cups4j and dependencies
jdbc Enhancements 11922 Implement 'ModifiablePersistenceService' interface
12052 Remove check if item exists to allow to truncate data for clean-ups
12442 Update PostgreSQL JDBC driver to 42.3.3
Bug Fixes 11954 Fix NPE when SQL query failed
11961 Do not create table on 'query', only on 'store'
11962 Add mime data to restored image
12225 Fix ClassCastException for ColorItem / HSBType
12313 Catch exception in case of connection to database failed during activation of service
12467 Fix parameter ordering while storing values
12525 Rework TimescaleDB code to actually work
jrubyscripting Enhancements 11775 Upgrade jruby to
12123 Apply RUBYLIB configuration to $LOAD_PATH
12143 Upgrade jruby version to
12381 Add auto-require scripts option
12539 Accept generic global variable names
Bug Fixes 12047 Convert presets from java class to ruby class
12650 Fix UI configuration property id
jsscripting Enhancements 11945 Append the ruleID or file name to the logger when console logging
12945 Upgrade openhab-js to version 2.0.0
Bug Fixes 11830 JS script engine no longer watches node_modules for scripts
12022 Wrapped GraalJS ScriptEngines now also Autocloseable
12725 Remove ClassExtender as it's no longer used and may be leaking memory
km200 Enhancements 11841 Add JCE check and removed some warnings
Bug Fixes 12573 Cleanup semantic tags
12732 Fix item type for dynamic channel type
knx Enhancements 12593 Add option to use CEMI frame format for serial devices
12675 Allow sending items with units to KNX bus.
Bug Fixes 12074 GroupRead / SendToKNX fails with NullPointerException
12520 Handle exceptions during initial read
12942 FT12: List available serial ports if port cannot be opened
12995 Fix time wrongly parsed
kodi Enhancements 11984 Add channels for screensaver state and virtual keyboard state and include OnAVStart for playing state detection
kostalinverter Bug Fixes 12124 Fix to prevent randomly stops of binding.
lifx Enhancements 12179 Add support for new LIFX products
Bug Fixes 12274 Cleanup semantic tags
linky Bug Fixes 12561 Fix communication errors
LuxtronikHeatpump Enhancements 11860 Add additional channels
Bug Fixes 11937 Fix channel type of newly defined unknown channels
12802 Fix menuStateLine1 state options
mail Bug Fixes 12568 Fix UnsupportedDataTypeException
marytts Bug Fixes 12571 Fix incorrect WAV header for some voices
max Bug Fixes 12268 Use defined semantic tags
miele Enhancements 11873 Refactor mDNS discovery
11997 Consolidate properties for compliance
12510 Fix configuration validation and optimize performance
12545 Use framework's HTTP client
Bug Fixes 11834 Fix mDNS issue where hub repeatedly disappears from, resp. reappears in, the Inbox.
12728 Fix logging for appliances where consumption data is not supported
mielecloud Bug Fixes 12583 Fix washing machine can be started channel is not updated
miio Enhancements 11688 Implement lumi devices support for gateways
12076 Add support for Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 3C BHR4518GL (zhimi.airp.mb4a)
millheat Bug Fixes 12289 Cleanup semantic tags
12413 Possibly wrong use of isHoliday instead of canChangeTemp
modbus Enhancements 12642 Support for after connection delays
MQTT Enhancements 11849 Add additional logging information
12152 Add birth and shutdown message
12157 Remove MQTT System Broker
12170 publishMQTT Action accepts a bytearray payload
12233 Remove references to the System Broker
12492 Fix most SAT findings
mqtt.generic Enhancements 10727 Add UOM to inbound values for MQTT Channels
12162 Rename channel label from Percentage Value to Dimmer
12167 Support transformationPattern for thing's availabilityTopic
Bug Fixes 12163 Fix default configuration and docs for color_mode
mqtt.homie Enhancements 11894 Add DateTime channel type to comply with MQTT Homie convention 3.x
12242 Remove unused constants in tests
12254 Handle exceptions parsing attributes
myStrom Bug Fixes 11854 Request info is not supported by the first generation of plug
nanoleaf Enhancements 11874 Various small enhancements
Bug Fixes 11872 Reduce to debug logging in case of communication problems
neohub Enhancements 12906 Workaround for 'Legacy API Disabled' problem
nest Bug Fixes 12711 Fix for missing refresh token after reauthorization
Netatmo Enhancements 12357 Binding rewrite without external dependencies
12726 Switch to Code Granting process
12776 Add doorbell support
12777 Avoid requesting favorite stations when not needed
12805 Add siren device
12851 Improve channel helpers
12870 Rework room actions
12923 Make the grant servlet always available
12984 Add smoke detector module
Bug Fixes 12698 Give access to video only when video is available
12701 Do not ignore updated events (same timestamp)
12743 Floodlight switch repaired
12782 Discovery using current value of readFriends parameter
12830 Fix getActiveChildren
12869 Correct Discovery service
12972 Add Webhook event support for Doorbell
12973 Presence camera channels missing
network Enhancements 12341 Remove last references to org.apache...
Bug Fixes 12316 Fix arp_state is always Disabled, presence_detection_type is always empty
nikohomecontrol Enhancements 11963 Bug fixes and improvements to thermostats
12855 Discovery improvements
12885 Reconnection logic
Bug Fixes 12819 Fix things staying offline
12859 Nhc fixes
novafinedust Bug Fixes 12370 Fix RFC2217 serial port in configuration
12543 Fix measurement parsing overflow
nuki Enhancements 12005 Support for SmartLock 3.0 and SmartDoor
Bug Fixes 12276 Fixe configuration reload on initialization
nuvo Bug Fixes 12613 Fix Nuvo Grand Concerto Detection
ojelectronics Bug Fixes 12211 Fix issue if server returns not 200 while signing in
OmniLink Enhancements 11100 Add semantic tags to channels
12246 Refactor parts of code
12444 Bump jomnilink
Bug Fixes 12288 Remove tags from channel type lock_switch
12546 Fix daylight savings when setting date/time
onkyo Enhancements 11813 Add channels for media info
12067 Add support for TX-NR609
opensprinkler Enhancements 11816 Add Veto and some default times to state options.
openthermgateway Enhancements 12367 Add support for Ventilation/Heat Recovery units
12507 Various improvements
12585 Log warning if trying to create a legacy Thing type
Bug Fixes 12744 Fix missing transition from offline to online
openuv Enhancements 12958 Enhance server side error handling
Bug Fixes 12511 Correct an uncatched exception in json deserialization
12558 Fix time channels not being updated
openweathermap Enhancements 10972 Add semantics to channel types
11949 Improve exception handling
12311 Code cleanup
Bug Fixes 12285 Cleanup semantic tags
12314 Call Thread.currentThread().interrupt() on InterruptedException
12686 Ignore disabled things
12697 Fix display of alert data
openwebnet Enhancements 12062 Add support for central unit
12468 Add support for sending Auxiliary (AUX) commands/messages to the bus (WHO=9)
12483 Add channel "function" for Central Unit
12485 Handle Thermo Central Unit monitoring messages
Bug Fixes 11975 Fix Things synchronization at boot / reconnect
12271 Fix tags for channel shutter
12489 Fix generic_device thing-type, improved refresh at boot
12502 Remove (duplicate) refreshDevice() at bridgeStatusChanged
oppo Bug Fixes 12066 Fix Play Mode and Disc Type updates
orbitbhyve Bug Fixes 12679 Do not update status of a disabled sprinker
12876 Eliminate JsonSyntaxException when restricted_frequency is null in json response
12944 Handle WebSocketException to prevent scheduled ping job failure
12960 Avoid ClassCastExceptions when accessing thing handler
pidcontroller Enhancements 12565 Add ability to limit the I-part
plugwiseha Enhancements 12345 Improve cache and timeout handling
12349 Add and enhance channels
Bug Fixes 12366 Fix bug introduced with #12349
12509 Fix Zone thermostat not updating
powermax Bug Fixes 12684 Ignore disabled things
pulseaudio Enhancements 12376 Register audio sources in openhab
12598 Allow flexible parameters to find a given pulseaudio device
Bug Fixes 12414 Fix null pointer exception and ensure source bg task stops
12423 Fix exception handling when connecting
12441 Use thread safe collection and force reconnection
12581 Small bugfixes and rewrite
12913 Fix source format options
pushover Enhancements 12023 Improve exception handling
Bug Fixes 12309 Allow default sound parameter value
radiothermostat Bug Fixes 12145 Workaround for incorrectly reported fan state
12852 Increase timeout for thermostat status requests
renault Enhancements 12095 Renault more channels and HVAC ON / toggle charge mode
12636 API key to configuration parameter and rule update
Bug Fixes 12487 API key update
rfxcom Enhancements 12037 Updates / small fixes
12038 Support for Lucciair DC Speed
roku Enhancements 12839 Add PowerOn option to Remote Button channel
Bug Fixes 11843 Fix typo in ChannelDown option
12884 Fix reporting of Roku Home app
rotel Enhancements 12447 New channels tcbypass, balance, speakera and speakerb
12521 Refactor to separate comm handling from protocol handling
12524 Add support for Michi models (P5, X3 and X5)
rrd4j Bug Fixes 12398 Upgrade to rrd4j 3.8.1
sagercaster Bug Fixes 12284 Cleanup semantic tags
senechome Enhancements 12934 Add state battery diagnosis
Bug Fixes 12512 Avoid null pointer errors
sensibo Bug Fixes 12750 Fix semantic tags for target temperature channel
shelly Enhancements 12266 Add category to channel type sensorHumidity
12325 TRV+Motion2 support, various fixes & enhancements
Bug Fixes 11887 Avoid ClassCastException
12822  Prepare for CrowdIn translations, bug fixes
12834 Fix CoAP message parsing for Plug-S and Bulb
12843 Fix CoAP message parsing
somfytahoma Enhancements 11855 [Improvement] Fix cozytouch support and add waterheatersystem support
12302 Add support for the Hitachi Yutaki devices
12368 Add support for the Rain sensor thing
12372 Change the severity of unsuported devices logging
12459 Improve compatibility with Somfy Connectivity Kit
12495 Add support for the Shutter thing
12532 Improve compatibility with the Somfy Connectivity Kit
12605 Add Moving channel to Rollershutter
12612 Improve the Hitachi air to water heating system
Bug Fixes 12687 Ignore disabled things
sonos Enhancements 12607 Support added for models Five and Roam SL
12626 Avoid empty thing (type) ID in discovery
Bug Fixes 12609 Discovery of unsupported models without exception
sonyprojector Enhancements 12283 Fix tags for channel type powerstate
souliss Enhancements 12252 Fix t31 fire and system statuses
Bug Fixes 12269 Fix semantic tags
12282 Remove tags from channel type power
squeezebox Bug Fixes 13010 Fix NumberFormatException when parsing status message
synopanalyzer Enhancements 12541 Incorrect octa reported
tado Enhancements 12470 Add support for fanLevel, verticalSwing, horizontalSwing, light API
12868 Automatically reconnect offline Things if possible
Bug Fixes 12570 Fix AC control bugs; Add null annotations and checks
tapocontrol Enhancements 11967 Fix "device not found" with L510/L530 hw rev2 / add L920 and P110 things
12017 Support energy monitoring of P110 device
teleinfo Enhancements 12204 Refactor channel config files for Linky standard mode
tesla Enhancements 12014 Print usage for tesla command on console
12015 Clarify and update how refresh tokens can be obtained
12029 Add support for setting charging amps and sentry mode
12184 Introduce "allowWakeUpForCommands" option
12537 Remove (broken) options to obtain refresh token through credentials
Bug Fixes 12030 Change center_display_state from switch to number
12031 Update sunroof feature to changed Tesla API
12070 Fix NPE when Thing configuration changes
12530 Adapt access token handling to changes in Tesla API
12547 Set the token creation time as it is no longer provided in the response
12603 Remove synchronization to avoid deadlocks
tibber Bug Fixes 12191 Enhancement for websocket re-econnectivity & fix item/channel response
touchwand Enhancements 12736 Remove Thing state update on unit discovery causing expire to fail
tplinksmarthome Enhancements 11771 Add new devices ES20, KP125, KP405 and KS230
12000 Add KL430 lightstrip support
Bug Fixes 11839 KP405 channel in xml should be dimmer not switch
tradfri Bug Fixes 12347 Fix null pointer exception when sending command to a device that is offline
12389 Use serial as discovery representation property instead of host Enhancements 12433 Refactor service to use TransformationConfigurationRegistry
unifi Enhancements 11959 New site, wlan, wiredClient, and poePort. Discovery support
upnpcontrol Bug Fixes 12632 Fix null pointer exception for invalid protocolInfo
velbus Enhancements 12390 New module VMBELPIR + Improvement clock alarms management
velux Enhancements 12356 Improve shutdown exception handling
ventaair Enhancements 11792 Add Air quality and service time channels
vigicrues Bug Fixes 12286 Cleanup semantic tags
voicerss Enhancements 11916 Add support for WAV audio format
12096 Hide the API key when logging API URL
12190 Null annotations added on the main service class
Bug Fixes 12092 Fix bad audio format code and use HTTPS URL instead of HTTP
12155 Fix and enhance the external tool to prefill the cache
webthing Bug Fixes 12738 Fix item type for dynamic channel
12751 Cleanup semantic tags for dynamic channels
wemo Enhancements 12001 Make UPnP more robust and fix polling/portscan
12101 Refactor duplicated code
12120 Separate handlers for Insight, Motion and Socket/Light Switch
12148 Improve GENA subscription reliability and error handling
12215 Fix already configured devices in inbox
12380 Refactor Insight Switch parser
12397 Simplify getWemoURL usages in handlers
12411 Add missing channel categories and semantic tags
12416 Fix thing status transitions
12461 Prevent excessive currentPower channel updates
12651 Optimize port detection
Bug Fixes 12648 Fix UPnP resubscription after lost network connection
wled Enhancements 12199 Change to bridge/thing structure and add global controls
Bug Fixes 11806 Fix Global OFF not turning lights/segments off.
wolfsmartset Bug Fixes 11931 Fix NullPointerException when updating values
Yeelight Enhancements 11908 Add color4 bulb
Bug Fixes 11876 Fixe ceiling3 device being recognized as device without night mode
12270 Cleanup semantic tags
Zigbee Enhancements 723 Add support Xiaomi Aqara Wireless Mini Switch (Aqara WXKG11LM)
731 Simplify colour channel initialisation to improve compatibility with non-standard devices
747 Simplify battery percent converter support detection
749 Simplify battery voltage converter support detection (similar to Chri…
757 Add Hue RWL022 initial support
760 Remove coordinator discovery
763 Stop status cycling during reinitialisation
764 Add Thermostat PI Heating/Cooling Demand Channels
769 Improve state consistency in level control converter
771 Update to ZSmart Systems libraries 1.4.7
772 Add factory reset console command
Bug Fixes 722 Fix NPE in Ember group initialisation
750 Use integers for temperature reporting configuration
754 Change reporting default value Humidity to Integer and to 0,5%
755 Update mesh update period when changed
758 Fix correct reporting attribute in ActivePower converter
761 Ensure local cluster object is used to detect summation cal
zoneminder Bug Fixes 12348 Properly handle when zm installed on root directory
ZWave Enhancements 1715 Add support for COMMAND_CLASS_SOUND_SWITCH
1760 Zwave battery device optimization
1771 Add events to make low battery alarm notifications work for ZW130/ZW129
1773 Add support for over-current alarm notification for ZW116 and ZW111
Bug Fixes 1707 Fix potential NPE in usercode configuration
1759 Fix logging defects.

Upgrade Process


If you are working with an openHABian setup, switching to openHAB 3.3.0 stable depends on what version you’re upgrading from:

  1. Use SSH to connect to the command line and run sudo openhabian-config.
  2. When being asked, answer that you want to update openHABian (note that’s not about openHAB itself).
  3. If needed check which version you run via menu option 00.
  4. a) If you have been running a snapshot or milestone release of 3.3, select the first of the three entries menu entry 41 (“Release”).
    b) If you have been running a 3.x release version, select menu entry 02 “Upgrade System”.
    c) If you are still on openHAB 2.x, please pay extra attention to all release notes from your version up to these.
    You also need to upgrade openHABian: select menu entry 03 “Install openHAB” option.

Package-based Installations

APT (Debian / Ubuntu and derivatives)

Make sure that openHAB is sourced from the latest location, has the correct GPG signing key and that your system can download .deb packages via HTTPS by following the instructions for a stable installation in the docs.

If the above is correct, simply upgrade by using:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

Alternatively, you can force apt to install 3.3.0 and its optional add-ons with:

sudo apt-get install openhab=3.3.0-1

## optional add-ons for offline installation ##
sudo apt-get install openhab-addons=3.3.0-1


openHAB is also distributed in RPM packages. To use them, make sure that openHAB is sourced from the latest location, and has the correct GPG signing key for verification by following the stable installation instructions outlined in the docs.

If the above is correct, then simply upgrade using your systems package manager (yum, dnf, etc.)

sudo yum update

Alternatively, you can force apt to install 3.3.0 and its optional add-ons with:

sudo yum install openhab-3.3.0-1

## optional addons for offline installation ##
sudo yum install openhab-addons-3.3.0-1

Manual Installations

Official update scripts are available that let you update your 3.x installation to version 3.3:


  1. Change to your openHAB root directory (e.g. cd /opt/openhab)
  2. Create a backup by calling sudo ./runtime/bin/backup.
  3. Run the update command:
sudo ./runtime/bin/update 3.3.0


  1. Make a backup of your openHAB installation folder.
  2. Run PowerShell as an administrator and change to your openHAB root directory (e.g. cd C:\openHAB)
  3. Run the update command:
. .\runtime\bin\update.ps1
Update-openHAB -OHVersion 3.3.0

Breaking Changes that Require Manual Interaction after the Upgrade

openHAB 3.3 brings improved configuration validation. This applies to item naming and thing/channel configuration.

Item names must not start with a number. If you have such an item in your configuration you’ll see a message about this in the log. You have to remove it (and probably create a new one). If the item was created via UI (“managed item”), you can use the “API Explorer” (in the Main UI / “Developer Tools”) to remove it.

Thing (and channel) configurations are described in openHAB by “configuration descriptions”. These define for each configuration parameter what type (e.g. text or integer) is required and what restrictions apply (e.g. only a given set of values or a range of values by defining minimum and maximum). This has always been the case and many bindings rely on the provided configuration to work properly. Starting with openHAB 3.3 a proper validation has been added that enforces correct configuration. If your configuration is invalid, the thing will stay offline and the thing status will show the result of the validation. Most common errors are wrong type (e.g. 1 instead of true for a boolean value) or values outside of the defined range. The thing will automatically work again after the configuration has been fixed.

BMW ConnectedDrive Binding

BMW replaced ConnectedDrive smartphone app by the MyBMW application. The underlying API is now disabled and the binding isn't working anymore. Switching to the newly introduced MyBMW Binding is recommended.

Daikin Binding

The channel 'specialmode-powerful' has been removed, and a r/w channel 'streamer' added. The channel 'specialmode' changed to read/write to control eco/powerful mode.

DanfossAirUnit Binding

The type of the channel 'humidity' was updated. You may need to remove and create your things again in case your things were previously created using UI and you want to use this channel.

Helios Binding

Firmware versions older than v2.21 are no longer supported.

JS Scripting Automation

'item.history.lastUpdate()' now returns 'time.ZonedDateTime' instead of 'Date'.

JS Scripting Automation

'addItem(...)' and 'updateItem(...)' use new itemConfig as parameter and 'createItem(...)' was removed.

MQTT Binding

Support for the MQTT System Broker has been removed. Replace 'mqtt:systemBroker' things with 'mqtt:broker' things.

Netatmo Binding

Things hierarchy and organization has changed as well as channel namings. You will need to remove and create again these things.

OmniLink Binding

The channel 'sysdate' has been renamed to 'system_date', and is now read only, to make these changes visible you may need to remove and recreate the controller thing. To synchronize the controller time there is now a new action synchronizeControllerTime that can be used with a time zone input (e.g. 'America/Denver').

Opentherm Gateway Binding

The 'otgw' Thing has been removed and split into a new 'openthermgateway' Bridge, and a new 'boiler' Thing. You will need to change your Thing and respective Item definitions.

RFXCOM Binding

The channel 'fanSpeed' of 'fan_lucci_dc' and 'fan_novy' has been renamed to 'fanSpeedControl', and 'fan_lucci_dc' has a new numeric channel 'fanSpeed'. You may need to remove and create your things again.

TapoControl Binding

L510_Series and L530_Series Things were renamed to L510 and L530 because of manufacturer changed naming with new HW-rev. You may need to remove and create again these things.

WLED Binding

Binding now uses Bridge and Thing structure. Delete and add a new bridge, and at least 1 thing for each segment you require.

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