github openfga/go-sdk v0.3.0

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6 months ago

0.3.0 (2023-12-11)

  • feat!: initial support for conditions
  • feat: support specifying a port and path for the API (You can now set the ApiUrl to something like: https://api.fga.exampleL8080/some_path)
  • fix: resolve a bug in NewCredentials (#60) - thanks @harper
  • chore!: use latest API interfaces
  • chore: dependency updates


Note: This release comes with substantial breaking changes, especially to the interfaces due to the protobuf changes in the last openfga release.

While the http interfaces did not break (you can still use v0.2.3 SDK with a v1.3.8+ server),
the grpc interface did and this caused a few changes in the interfaces of the SDK.

You will have to modify some parts of your code, but we hope this will be to the better as a lot of the parameters are now correctly marked as required,
and so the Pointer-to-String conversion is no longer needed.

Some of the changes to expect:

  • When initializing a client, please use ApiUrl. The separate ApiScheme and ApiHost fields have been deprecated
fgaClient, err := NewSdkClient(&ClientConfiguration{
    ApiUrl:  os.Getenv("FGA_API_URL"), // required, e.g. https://api.fga.example
    StoreId: os.Getenv("FGA_STORE_ID"), // not needed when calling `CreateStore` or `ListStores`
    AuthorizationModelId: os.Getenv("FGA_AUTHORIZATION_MODEL_ID"), // optional, recommended to be set for production
  • When initializing a client, AuthorizationModelId is no longer a pointer, and you can just pass the string directly
  • The OpenFgaClient now has methods to get and set the model ID GetAuthorizationModelId and SetAuthorizationModelId
  • The following request interfaces changed:
    • CheckRequest: the TupleKey field is now of interface CheckRequestTupleKey, you can also now pass in Context
    • ExpandRequest: the TupleKey field is now of interface ExpandRequestTupleKey
    • ReadRequest: the TupleKey field is now of interface ReadRequestTupleKey
    • WriteRequest: now takes WriteRequestWrites and WriteRequestDeletes
    • And more
  • The following interfaces had fields that were pointers are are now the direct value:
    • CreateStoreResponse
    • GetStoreResponse
    • ListStoresResponse
    • ListObjectsResponse
    • ReadChangesResponse
    • ReadResponse
    • AuthorizationModel and several interfaces under it
    • And more

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