Changelog for 0.19.7:
- PR #376 Bump from 0.24.0 to 0.36.0 by @dependabot[bot]
a2254ca Security fix - containerd to 1.7.27 by @alexellis
087a299 Add service logs command to faasd ce from faasd-pro by @alexellis
6dcdab8 Bump from 0.24.0 to 0.36.0 by @dependabot[bot]
57163e2 Revised README by @alexellis
cced8eb OpenFaaS CE EULA is for personal use and limited commercial trial by @alexellis
0d4bfa9 Add script to patch DigitalOcean for journal by @alexellis
120a34c Update post-installation message on container downloads by @alexellis
ae4d0a9 Add directive back into by @alexellis
ef68994 Install script - suppress interactive messages by @alexellis
43e51c5 Show instructions for manual license keys by @alexellis
695d800 Suppress question about autosave for iptables by @alexellis
51f3f87 Add iptables-persistent for openfaas-edge on Debian-like OSes by @alexellis
e2758be Fix file permission by @alexellis
7ad5c17 Clarify usage in a Small Business Environment by @alexellis
983dacb Create config.yml by @alexellis
96abaaf Create by @alexellis
Changes: 0.19.6...0.19.7
Generated by Derek