github openark/orchestrator v3.0.14
GA release v3.0.14

latest releases: v3.2.6, v3.2.5, v3.2.4...
5 years ago

Changes since v.3.0.13: v3.0.13...v3.0.14

Some three months since previous release with much going on. Notable changes:

  • New config: PreventCrossDataCenterMasterFailover, #766 to ensures failovers only take place within same datacenter, if so desired.
  • Tagging: tag, untag, search instances by tags via #664, see documentation at
  • KV store auto populates master info if not exists: #549
  • Multi-values replication thread state, #767, thanks @ggunson
  • GTID: support fixing errant transaction by injecting empty transaction on master, #707
    introduces -c gtid-errant-inject-empty command.
  • GTID: fix to master-master, #672, #673
  • Fix to authentication in orchestratorclient, #681 , thanks @cezmunsta
  • orchestrator-client: Add credentials to environment variables, #675 , thanks @mateusduboli
  • FigureClusterName: Avoid heavy queries if clusterHint is empty, #727 , thanks @sjmudd
  • fix create-per-test missing default value, #692, thanks @MOON-CLJ
  • Fix to picking replica on balanced version / binlog_format state at failover, #773 , thanks @yangeagle
  • Fix to take-master in master-master topology, #734
  • raft support for SetClusterAliasManualOverride #776 , thanks @MOON-CLJ
  • Added force-master-takeover API, #745 , thanks @MOON-CLJ
  • Add --depends 'jq >= 1.5' tp fpm builds #752 , thanks @tomkrouper
  • Some mitigation for reset-master risk, #706 , #762
  • Web interface global message, #733
  • Updated Docker + build, #774
  • Documentation updates

And much more...

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