🚀 (Enhancement)
- feat(instrumentation-grpc): set net.peer.name and net.peer.port on client spans #3430
🐛 (Bug Fix)
- fix(sdk-metrics): use default Resource to comply with semantic conventions #3411 @pichlermarc
- Metrics exported by the SDK now contain the following resource attributes by default:
- Metrics exported by the SDK now contain the following resource attributes by default:
- fix(sdk-trace): make spans resilient to clock drift #3434 @dyladan
- fix(selenium-tests): updated webpack version for selenium test issue #3456 @SaumyaBhushan
- fix(sdk-metrics): fix duplicated registration of metrics for collectors #3488 @legendecas
- fix(core): fix precision loss in numberToHrtime #3480 @legendecas
🏠 (Internal)
- chore: automatically generate tsconfigs #3432 @legendecas
- chore: enforce format with prettier #3444 @legendecas