github open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go v0.12.0
Release v0.12.0

latest releases: v1.26.0, exporters/stdout/stdoutlog/v0.2.0-alpha, exporters/otlp/otlplog/otlploghttp/v0.2.0-alpha...
3 years ago


  • A SpanConfigure function in to create a new SpanConfig from SpanOptions. (#1108)
  • In the package, NewTracerConfig was added to construct new TracerConfigs.
    This addition was made to conform with our project option conventions. (#1155)
  • Instrumentation library information was added to the Zipkin exporter. (#1119)
  • The SpanProcessor interface now has a ForceFlush() method. (#1166)
  • More semantic conventions for k8s as resource attributes. (#1167)


  • Add reconnecting udp connection type to Jaeger exporter.
    This change adds a new optional implementation of the udp conn interface used to detect changes to an agent's host dns record.
    It then adopts the new destination address to ensure the exporter doesn't get stuck. This change was ported from jaegertracing/jaeger-client-go#520. (#1063)
  • Replace StartOption and EndOption in with SpanOption.
    This change is matched by replacing the StartConfig and EndConfig with a unified SpanConfig. (#1108)
  • Replace the LinkedTo span option in with WithLinks.
    This is be more consistent with our other option patterns, i.e. passing the item to be configured directly instead of its component parts, and provides a cleaner function signature. (#1108)
  • The TracerOption was changed to an interface to conform to project option conventions. (#1109)
  • Move the B3 and TraceContext from within the package to their own package.
    This removal of the propagators is reflective of the OpenTelemetry specification for these propagators as well as cleans up the API. (#1118)
  • Rename Jaeger tags used for instrumentation library information to reflect changes in OpenTelemetry specification. (#1119)
  • Rename ProbabilitySampler to TraceIDRatioBased and change semantics to ignore parent span sampling status. (#1115)
  • Move tools package under internal. (#1141)
  • Move package to (#1142)
    The correlation.CorrelationContext propagator has been renamed baggage.Baggage. Other exported functions and types are unchanged.
  • Rename ParentOrElse sampler to ParentBased and allow setting samplers depending on parent span. (#1153)
  • In the package, SpanConfigure was renamed to NewSpanConfig. (#1155)
  • Change dependabot.yml to add a Skip Changelog label to dependabot-sourced PRs. (#1161)
  • The configuration style guide has been updated to
    recommend the use of newConfig() instead of configure(). (#1163)
  • The otlp.Config type has been unexported and changed to otlp.config, along with its initializer. (#1163)
  • Ensure exported interface types include parameter names and update the
    Style Guide to reflect this styling rule. (#1172)
  • Don't consider unset environment variable for resource detection to be an error. (#1170)
  • Rename to NewInstrumentConfig and to NewMeterConfig.
  • ValueObserver instruments use LastValue aggregator by default. (#1165)
  • OTLP Metric exporter supports LastValue aggregation. (#1165)
  • Move the package to (#1185)
  • Rename Provider to MeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NoopProvider to NoopMeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewProvider to NewMeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider to MeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewProvider to NewMeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider to TracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NoopProvider to NoopTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider to TracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewProvider to NewTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename WrapperProvider to WrapperTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewWrapperProvider to NewWrapperTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider method of the pull controller to MeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider method of the push controller to MeterProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename ProviderOptions to TracerProviderConfig in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename ProviderOption to TracerProviderOption in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename Provider to TracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Rename NewProvider to NewTracerProvider in the package. (#1190)
  • Renamed SamplingDecision values to comply with OpenTelemetry specification change. (#1192)
  • Renamed Zipkin attribute names from ot.status_code & ot.status_description to otel.status_code & otel.status_description. (#1201)
  • The default SDK now invokes registered SpanProcessors in the order they were registered with the TracerProvider. (#1195)


  • Remove the B3 propagator from It is now located in the module. (#1191)
  • Remove the semantic convention for HTTP status text, HTTPStatusTextKey from package (#1194)


  • Zipkin example no longer mentions ParentSampler, corrected to ParentBased. (#1171)
  • Fix missing shutdown processor in otel-collector example. (#1186)
  • Fix missing shutdown processor in basic and namedtracer examples. (#1197)

Raw changes made between v0.11.0 and v0.12.0

0b348c3 (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.12.0, tag: sdk/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/trace/zipkin/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/trace/jaeger/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/stdout/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/otlp/v0.12.0, tag: exporters/metric/prometheus/v0.12.0, tag: exa
mple/zipkin/v0.12.0, tag: example/prometheus/v0.12.0, tag: example/otel-collector/v0.12.0, tag: example/namedtracer/v0.12.0, tag: example/jaeger/v0.12.0, tag: example/basic/v0.12.0, tag: bridge/opentracing/v0.12.0, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Prepare v0.12.0 release (#1205)
8c3cc43 Use LastValue by default for ValueObserver instruments (#1165)
304d4cd ensure batch span processors are shutdown in examples (#1199)
1e72b51 Add example test for a custom SpanProcessor (#1196)
b97533a Register/unregister in the fixed order (#1198)
559fecd Update the attribute names for the OTel attributes for the zipkin exporter (#1201)
7d71867 Rename *Provider names (#1190)
5dd2962 Remove semantic convention for http status text (#1194)
038f505 Remove B3 propagator from otel repo (#1191)
e7e1dce Update sampling decision names (#1192)
b9357d7 Remove flaky BatchSpanProcessor.ForceFlush() test (#1189)
fa74147 Bump from 0.31.0 to 0.32.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#1188)
4b46365 Move api/unit to top level (#1185)
930b4d0 Fix missing shutdown of the batch processor (#1186)
995be31 Add ForceFlush() method to SpanProcessor interface (#1166)
a12224a Ensure exported interfaces have named method parameters (#1172)
2621bd4 Convert XConfigure into constructor for metrics (#1175)
3de7a07 Merge otel into one file and add package doc (#1176)
1f7c220 Don't consider unset env var to be an error during resource detection (#1170)
77de199 Minor change: ParentSampler -> ParentBased in Zipkin example description (#1171)
6f048eb Add more semantic conventions for k8s as resource attributes (#1167)
d91de43 Recommend use of initializers for config structs (#1163)
c9726ef Allow up to 0.5% coverage change before failing build (#1162)
0041e2d Rename ParentOrElse sampler to ParentBased and enhance it according to the spec (#1153)
34c02d1 Add Skip Changelog label to Dependabot-sourced PRs (#1161)
9f45258 Convert XConfigure into constructors (#1155)
a787f09 Update to reflect PR process-as-applied (#1159)
36c323f Add the missing vanity import path directive (#1157)
7fac279 Rename package.go to doc.go for consistency (#1156)
4c5f834 Document make test for testing (#1154)
06689a0 Rename CorrelationContext to Baggage (#1142)
9a4981c Bump from 1.31.1 to 1.32.0 in /sdk (#1145)
422188a Correct SDK trace Exporter interface (#1078)
da96fd0 Bump from 1.31.1 to 1.32.0 in /exporters/otlp (#1146)
a1b43b4 Bump from 1.31.1 to 1.32.0 in /exporters/stdout (#1148)
9326386 Bump from 1.31.1 to 1.32.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#1151)
71a1b23 Bump from 1.30.0 to 1.31.0 in /internal/tools (#1152)
e58e347 Bump from 1.31.1 to 1.32.0 in /exporters/trace/zipkin (#1149)
dd3d4f2 Bump from 0.2.3 to 0.2.4 in /exporters/trace/zipkin (#1150)
2f0538a Bump in /example/otel-collector (#1147)
2e221fd Move tools package under internal (#1141)
1d21890 Add workflow to check for presence of CHANGELOG changes on PRs (#1067)
a2c75c6 Unexport NoopXXX trace types (#1134)
f1dad21 Move propagators out of API and into their own package (#1118)
bc1a592 Add a test for jaeger udp client (#1137)
224629b Bump from 0.30.0 to 0.31.0 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#1124)
b0f978c Add receiver names to TraceContext methods (#1136)
9ad4824 Added missing package document and canonical import paths (#1125)
7435710 Add missing argument names to the Span interface (#1135)
d143b8f Unify API Span Start/End Options (#1108)
4d83d5b Change name of ProbabilitySampler to TraceIdRatioBased (#1115)
f38e190 Add InstrumentationLibrary info to Zipkin/Jaeger exporters (#1119)
440c4bd Stop find complaining due to missing directory starting point (#1116)
0fec280 Update trace API TracerOption (#1109)
a304e82 Add reconnecting udp connection type to jaeger exporter (#1063)
e3abf31 Make trace testhelpers public (#1111)
1ab708e Rename global SetTraceProvider and TraceProvider (#1102)
f36759a Add @XSAM as project approver (#1110)
1c3626e #872 Make metric test helpers public (#1040)
5d9daf0 Bump from 1.31.0 to 1.31.1 in /sdk (#1105)
06a0be7 Update (#1106)
3b3c263 Update dependabot config (#1100)
737d812 Bump from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 (#1093)
170b6c6 Bump from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 in /exporters/otlp (#1095)
2351c8c Bump from 0.5.1 to 0.5.2 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#1097)
9ce71fe Bump from 1.31.0 to 1.31.1 in /exporters/trace/zipkin (#1096)
b933f31 Bump from 1.31.0 to 1.31.1 in /exporters/trace/jaeger (#1098)
750848e Bump from 1.31.0 to 1.31.1 in /exporters/stdout (#1099)

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